Wednesday 30 November 2011

Leptis Magna, North Africa

Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) launched Leptis Magna as a World Heritage site. Existing legacy on the Mediterranean coast of North Africa, Tripoli is a silent witness story of human civilization in the Roman Empire.

Leptis Magna is the birthplace of the Roman Emperor Septimius Severus named. The Emperor then build and raise the city. Areas within 120km east of Tripoli this still leaves the buildings beautiful and well kept until now.

Quoted from page UNESCO, Leptis is one of the most beautiful city that was built with plans for a city. The city was built during the reign of Augustus and Tiberius, but completely renovated the Emperor Severus. Architects building in this city is a combination of elements of the main monumental period. Basilica and the arch is a prime example of Roman art strongly influenced the new African and Eastern traditions.

Comic Book Worth USD 13.5 Billion

Though only a comic book. But, worth about U.S. $ 1.5 million or about Rp13, 5 billion. Unreasonable price for a comic book.

In the city of New York, the exorbitant price of comic books will soon be auctioned.

Actually, what makes a comic book superhero Superman's character is very expensive?

It turns out this comic book has its own story. First, these comic books are the property of respected comic book collectors. Second, this comic book is the most sought after people.

And third, no less interesting. This comic book was stolen 11 years ago, until at last been found.

Even then, it already bears the comic book comic's most expensive record, reaching U.S. $ 15 thousand or about Rp135 million.

Luckily, a businessman who bought several units of home furnishings found this book in a former closet.

Sunday 27 November 2011

Lake Kelimutu, Indonesia "Three Million Colors Enchantment"

For those of you who like to do nature activities, take a trip to Lake Three Colors, Flores, who was in the northern island of Flores, precisely in the village of strikes, District Moni, Ende, Flores, East Nusa Tenggara. According to some sources encountered, the best time to enjoy the scenery in a natural lake that lies on top of Mount Flores it was early morning at sunrise.

Travel can be reached from the town of Ende which takes approximately two hours with a standard speed. To get an amazing view of sunrise, you have to leave at around 3:30 pm.

Transport access to the lake is not so easy, but local and foreign tourists usually prefer to hire a vehicle through local travel agents, or if the clever approach of local communities, not hard we can rent their bikes. But do not forget to check the condition of the vehicle before, do not let your tour plagued by technical problems resulting from our own negligence.

Or if we do not want to rush off early morning, may also choose to stay at some home stay run by local people with a range of Rp 25,000 to Rp 50,000. Or we can stay in cottages provided local governments with a range of Rp 50,000 to Rp 75,000. All depends on your needs.

Approximately two hours along winding roads, ravines and cliffs on its sides, as well as road conditions are not so smooth in some parts until we get to the village of Moni, the village is situated at the foot of Mount Flores. Stinging cold to the bone, heavy clothing becomes an obligation for this trip. Therefore, for those of you who have an allergy cold, it is advisable to wear thick clothing.

From the village of Moni, the lake has ever been nominated for the wonders of the world that live within 45 minutes travel alone. The road narrowed and began to climb. But the natural scenery on the left and right to be tired of drugs and make this challenging journey enjoyable.

To enter national parks Flores, we only pay a fee of Rp 2,000 only. To get to the lip of the lake, we still have to up the stairs and cobblestone streets about 20 minutes. The sound of birds chirping and forest insects accompany each step to the lake which is located 1690 meters above sea level until we get to the point of view.

Creation of the Almighty etched in front of the eyes, three separate crater-shaped lake on the left and right. If adjusted to the eye, the lake on the left or brownish-black in the local language is called Ata Mbupu Tiwu which according to local belief, the lake is a haven of old ghosts.

Who's who on the right, there are two separate lakes thin cliffs. A light-blue local call Tiwu Nuwa Muri Ko'o Fai or lake funeral spirits of young people, being the rightmost dark green Tiwu named Ata Polo, who is believed to be the wake wicked spirits.

According to local residents who had accompanied there, you include people who are lucky if the trip to see a monkey. Local people believe that the lake is a sacred lake and give fertility to the surrounding area, it is not uncommon ceremonies are often held at the lake where people make offerings to the spirits of the earth results in the lake.

Changes in the natural and eternal trust
Kelimutu had erupted in 1886 and left three shaped crater lake water color can change unexpectedly, according to the mineral content and the weather. Unexpected changes the color of lake water, it makes its own mystery is not able to solve until now.

It is worth noting, once the lake is never red, white and blue. Like two sides of a coin that could not be separated, to walk in harmony with the natural changes lasting trust of local communities to make a magic lake itself is an attraction for everyone, especially those of you outdoors enthusiasts and fans of natural scenery.

5 Acne for Fighting Foods

Acne is one of the "enemy" that interfere with smooth skin. There are several factors that trigger acne, including hormonal upheaval, stress, until the skin clean. Certain foods are also thought to cause acne. However, there are also foods that can keep the beauty of the skin as well as conquer "the enemy" this skin.

1. Oysters, poultry, and fish
No one knows exactly why these foods are considered to be able to prevent acne. But experts believe, the intake of Zinc (zinc) is sufficient in any diet can help to mitigate the appearance of acne. This is probably due to the nature of the zinc that helps control the release of hormones. In addition, zinc also helps the body absorb vitamin A and other nutrients essential for healthy skin.

2. Salmon and other sources of omega-3
Some dermatologists believe that omega-3 fatty acids in addition to helping prevent inflammation may also help control acne. In order to get maximum results, at least you have to eat two servings of fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids each week. The best sources of omega 3 can be obtained from salmon, sardines, and mackerel, or flax seeds and walnuts.

3. Potatoes, carrots, cantaloupe, or paprika
Beta-carotene is found in many fruits and vegetables, orange and yellow. This substance has the function to convert vitamin A in the body and other nutrients that help improve the selenium - compounds that are good for the skin.

4. Oranges, tomatoes, or kiwi
Foods rich in vitamin C does not have a function as a healer of acne. But these vitamins will strengthen the cell wall while helping protect your skin from scarring that can cause stains. In addition to the citrus bioflavonoid content can also act as a natural anti-inflammatory that can speed up the healing process.

5. Almonds, eggs, or green leafy vegetables
Antioxidants vitamin E helps heal the skin from damage and scarring caused by acne. It is not easy to get lots of vitamin E from diet low in fat. But crude vegetable oils, nuts, and seeds are the best sources of antioxidants.

Saturday 26 November 2011

4 Benefits of Yogurt

The content of the good bacteria in yogurt is not only profitable but also can slim down digestion to beautify the skin. Check out what's on offer yogurt for our health.

1. brighten skin
Yogurt is one of the natural ingredients in the fridge that we can use to treat the face. "Yogurt contains lactic acid, a component which is also often used in chemical peeling products," says dermatologist Hema Sundaram.
Yogurt mask can be used to peel the top layer of the epidermis gently. When done regularly to avoid skin of pimples, black spots, and even prevent acne. For best results, mix 1 cup of yogurt with 2-3 drops of olive oil and then rubbed on the face. Allow 20 minutes then rinse.

2. Environmentally friendly cleaning
Make your metal goods more shine with yogurt. The content of lactic acid in yogurt is quite effective at removing stains.

3. healthy digestion
Probiotics (good bacteria) in yogurt have been proven to be healthy microflora in the gut. To get the health benefits of probiotics, make sure your favorite yogurt product contains at least one million colony forming units (CFUs) of bacteria alive.

4. prevent hypertension
Other good reasons to regularly eat yogurt is to prevent heart disease. Special protein in the yogurt and the amount of calcium, magnesium, and potassium it is useful to prevent high blood pressure.

Black Friday (Thanksgiving)

Thanksgiving in the United States as a momentum to improve country's economic situation. Competing stores opened early and giving massive discounts in order to attract buyers as many

Most shops had opened since before Friday at 00.00, which is also called Black Friday, and seemed crowded by visitors. "We came because it attracted a discount, but we also to see if there are no discounted goods that we could buy," said James McBreaty, one of the visitors to a shopping center, as published by Reuters news agency on Friday, November 25, 2011.

The strategy seems quite successful. Toys R Us toy store in Long Island, New York for example, crowded with 300 people pengantre even before the store opened on Thursday evening at 21.00 local time.

Online stores like Amazon also did not want to lose than conventional stores. Amazon started giving offers a stunning welcome Thanksgiving is one of the important holiday in the State of Uncle Sam at 21:00 on Thursday.

Clothing stores like Old Navy, Gap, put half the price discount strategy. Some other stores such as Target Corp., JC Penny and Best Buy just opened accidentally in the middle of the night to avoid the competition that is too tight.

The National Retail Federation reported that U.S. economic growth at the end of the holiday season of 2011 only reached 2.8 percent. This number decreased from last year's 5.2 percent.

However, the federation estimates that there will be 152 million people who spend their money on Black Friday. This number increased to 10.1 percent from a year ago.

Friday 25 November 2011

Amazon Launches Smart Phones 2012 'Kindle Fire' Inc. will launch a smart phone in the fourth quarter of 2012, Citigroup said to see the supply chain distribution in Asia.

In a research note on 17 November, Citigroup said today that online retail giant is developing a phone with the world's top cellphone maker Foxconn International Holdings Ltd.

"With the success of the Kindle e-Reader for the last 3 years, and is predicted to Kindle Fire reap success in the tablet market cheap, we see this is concrete progress Amazon's future," said the brokerage firm.

Citigroup expects to pay the cost of non-Amazon reengineering to Foxconn, but the Taiwanese company Hon Hai Precision Industry Co. Ltd. is now really makes the device and some components.

Brokers expect Amazon to adopt smart phones Texas Instruments and Qualcomm.

"We expect Amazon to be a smart phone device based on the middle to lower the processor," said the broker. The total cost of the Amazon to make the phone worth $ 150 - $ 170.

Amazon just launched Kindle Fire tablet with components from Texas Instruments, Samsung Electronics, LG Electronics and Hynix Semiconductor.
Kindle Fire was first sold on November 14 and Amazon expects to sell five million devices in the fourth quarter and five million devices over the next year.

"We believe Amazon is now aiming for Mobile Media (tablet) Media and limit consumption of products."

Amazon's stock closed at $ 204.5 on Thursday on the Nasdaq and rose about 1 percent on Friday before the trade market.

Clashed in Egypt Resulted in 41 People Killed

Victims of the riots in Egypt between protesters and security forces has reached 41 people, the country's health ministry said.

The clashes have been raging since Saturday (19/11) between police and protesters demanding the military handed over power to civilian government.

Most of the unrest has centered around the roundabout At-Tahrir in the Egyptian capital, Cairo, the central symbol of the protests that toppled Hosni Mubarak in February.

Ministry of Health said 36 people had been killed in the Egyptian capital, the official news agency reported the country, MENA, as quoted by Xinhua.

As many as four other people were killed in Ismailiya and in Iskandriyah, the second major city in Egypt.

A demonstrator was shot to death in the city Mesra Matruh in the northwest of the country on Wednesday (23/11). At that time, security forces clashed with demonstrators who tried to storm a police station.

The Richest Man in Indonesia

The position of the big 3 in the list of 40 richest people in Indonesia almost never change. They always dominate the rich list, the value is too much compared to those of other entries in the list.
The big three in the list of richest people is estimated to have assets of up to U.S. $ 32.5 billion or about 38% of the total property of 40 richest people in Indonesia, which amounted to U.S. $ 85.1 billion.
Their wealth has also increased sharply compared to the year 2010. In total, 40 people are worth U.S. $ 85.1 billion, up 19% compared to the year 2010.
The three parties 'dominate' list as quoted by Forbes, Thursday (11/24/2011) are:

1 & 2. R. Budi Hartono & Michael
Brothers Djarum group owner has the property of U.S. $ 14 billion or about Rp 126 trillion. One of its greatest assets other than Djarum cigarette factory is Bank Central Asia (BCA) which is a bank with the largest customers in Indonesia.
Throughout the year 2010, BCA shares jumped to 20% with a profit of Rp 8.3 trillion. Latest action group is buying Kaskus Djarum Group, through its subsidiary Prima Global Digital Ventures.
With a wealth of U.S. $ 14 billion in 2011, means the property of two brothers growing U.S. $ 3 billion in 2010 compared to wealth.

3. Susilo Wonowidjojo
Owner of the Gudang Garam's 55-year-old managed to increase the coffers of his fortune at U.S. $ 2.5 billion to U.S. $ 10.5 billion or about Rp 94.5 trillion in 2011.
President Susilo is now a Commissioner of the cigarette company Gudang Garam, which was founded by his father. Second largest cigarette factory in Indonesia was previously run by his brother, Rachman Halim before it finally died in 2008.

4. Eka Widjaja Tjipta
88-year-old tycoon was solid in the third position with assets of U.S. $ 8 billion or about Rp 72 trillion, up U.S. $ 2 billion compared to the year 2010 which amounted to U.S. $ 6 billion.
Eka Tjipta wealth was mainly derived from oil company Golden Agri-Resources. Financial services company, Sinar Mas Multiartha participate in providing support for Eka Tjipta wealth.
But before his success now, Eka Tjipta also had to deal with failure to pay of his company, Asia Pulp & Paper for U.S. $ 10 billion in 1997 when the crisis struck.

Thursday 24 November 2011

The Reason Google Adsense Publisher Indonesia in the Banned

Lately a lot of news and information about the Google Adsense which massively perform mass banned in Indonesia publisher. For some reason, there is no reason that definitively and absolutely real that can be accepted by the publisher of Indonesia. Because many of the Google Adsense publisher Indonesia who play white seo also got significantly, even some friends who got an email from Google Adsense on their Adsense accounts banned, but they never list or use the services of Google Adsense.

What is Google Adsense Publisher angry with Indonesia?
Perhaps the question terbesit dibenak the publisher Indonesia, because it can be said pretty much the masters who have experienced the world of Google Adsense earnings for many years and even the income from Google Adsense they reach 5 digits also got banned this mass. Though they use the techniques they consider not violate the Google Adsense TOS.

So what causes Google Adsense Publisher banned bulk of Indonesia?
Of course, for those who are interested in Google Adsense have heard very encouraging news in the past month, about Google Adsense in Indonesian content in Beta. Because it does not close the possibility of approval by the Google Adsense for Indonesian Publisher in displaying adsense ads to content in Indonesian language. Although this blog does not participate in Google AdSense Beta to content in Indonesian language, I personally find it very curious about all the blogs which are given the opportunity by the parties to try Google Adsense Google Adsense in Indonesian such content.

After I tried browsing here and there, finally I found some blogs that were given the opportunity by the Google Adsense ads in Adsense in their blogs. But I was so disappointed when he found some blogs that were given the opportunity. How disappointed I did not, want to access content actually wrote can not be interrupted by the appearance of so many Adsense ads. Even in the one page they show more than 5 types of Adsense ads, and some are using the ad scripts a breach in the world of advertisement such as the use of auto-click script, hidden click, floating without including the close button and much more. Although the blog I can not mention by one-one and not all blogs are given the opportunity Google Adsense in Indonesian content using ways that are not good, but I'm sure the Google Adsense already knew it.

What could this reason Google Adsense publisher Indonesia banned in bulk?
Perhaps for this reason also could make sense, because the existence in ways that are not good it makes the Google Adsense does not believe the publisher was disappointed with the publisher Indonesia or Indonesia. And do not rule out the possibility also for those who already have a Google Adsense account for years diligence to get again by the Google Adsense and banned mass may be repeated.

Our hope, the Publisher of Indonesia.
- Not everything is publisher Indonesia justifies any means of getting more revenue from Adsense ads.
- Not all black seo publisher Indonesia use in any search engine optimization for their site or blog.
- Not everything publisher Indonesia violate TOS provided by Google Adsense.

Google is a good idea to consider these things once more, and for the hope of the future, the Google Adsense Indonesia and the publisher can establish a good relationship without feeling or harm one another.

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Bosscha Observatory For Sky Telescoped

Zeiss Binoculars at Bosscha Observatory became a symbol of the pride of Indonesia in the field of astronomy. Each day, the largest telescope in South East Asia was visited by no less than 600 students. The visitors are really interested in astronomy, but not infrequently also the only picture taken in front of that famous building.

As in the past on Thursday, November 17, hundreds of students had already invaded Bosscha from morning until noon sore.Teropong Zeiss was the center of attention because it is located in the majestic dome-shaped building.

From the outside, the dome of white Zeiss Binocular did look great standing manicured green grass and among the pine trees and pine shade.

Many children who are accompanied by a teacher or an event organizer (EO) as a guide intentionally photographed with a Zeiss binocular background.

One visitor who does not constantly snapping his cell phone camera is Puspita Vienna (27) and Leli Pasha (27). They are the EO that brought 54 children 6th grade from Bogor to visit the observatory was established in 1923.

As the EO is to facilitate the school to do recreation to the tourist attractions in Bandung, they placed in the top list Bosscha their tour packages.

Each year they serve elementary school visit to the Bosscha. Leli said, a visit to Bandung package provided it is Bosscha, Saung Angklung Udjo, and the Museum of Geology. According to him, each EO must incorporate into the package Bosscha visit. "As a heritage city of Bandung, Bosscha be excellent for schools," he said.

The reason for the school, Bosscha worth a visit for storing knowledge of astronomy and history in particular. Bosscha Observatory name has also been printed in books in school subjects. So worth Bosscha known and visited. Problem will be concerned with astronomy students or not, it's about the future.

Sense of wonder also appeared on the faces of elementary school children. When an astronomer guide them towards the Zeiss binocular, with the noise of children running toward the entrance to the dome in which there is a giant telescope 60 centimeters in diameter. In it they introduced the history of the legendary binoculars, history of the Bosscha, until the telescoped manner of celestial objects.

Along with visiting elementary school children, the Bosscha also the arrival of dozens of guests from one private high school in Bandung. Their arrival was no less noisy with elementary school children. Almost every student immortalize himself with Binoculars Zeiss dome building. Apparently, they pose a greater interest than the interest in astronomy.

Dominican Ica, one of his students in grade 10 high school group that claimed to really enjoy a visit to the Bosscha. Ica first visit, observation of the star. Previously he had only known through books Bosscha lesson, that Bosscha is the largest observatory in Southeast Asia and the only one in Indonesia.

Before visiting the direct Bosscha, the first impression that comes to mind Ica of the place is a museum. Maybe in school textbooks that stand out from Bosscha is Dutch heritage of ancient buildings.

After visiting Ica directly, it turns out Bosscha is where astronomical research objects such as stars and moon. It's just not interested in Ica admitted explore the science of astronomy. "I do not intend to be an astronomer, let alone an astronaut, like baseball," he said.

Researchers Bosscha Observatory Institute Teknologi Bandung (ITB) Evan I do not deny that Akbar Bosscha now is at once a place where research excursions. It happened since Bosscha taken Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) as a research institute of astronomy. Visits increased when the status of ITB be State Owned Legal Entity (BHMN) in 1999, which should automatically independently without relying on subsidies from the state.

Bosscha initially only on a mission to popularize astronomy society. So the time was the number of visitors is limited. Before 1999, the number of visits at most only 100 people per week, and even then not being charged.

Now, after ITB be increased due BHMN Bosscha missions are required to generate costs for the operational needs of himself. Bosscha was opened to traffic in general, not just for the sake of astronomy alone.

Visitors who wish to visit both for astronomy and just travel, subject to tariffs persekali Rp7.500 entry. Before the visit, visitors must make reservations used to determine the schedule of visits from Tuesday until Friday afternoon to visit. And in a month, Bosscha also offers three nights for night visits are restricted masksimal 200 people visitors. "So it is now popularized astronomy mission and needs," said Evan.

In effect, the number of visitors Bosscha booming. Annually to reach 60 thousand visitors or up to 600 visitors per day. Surge of visitors proves the high curiosity of the public to come directly to the location of star observation.

It was triggered by easily find information and images of space and celestial bodies on the internet. Disclosure of information makes people want to know the direct observation center. "Actually a lot of reservations, but many do we resist," he said.

With Rp7.500 tickets, visitors can enter the three facilities in Bosscha, which entered the House Zeiss telescope to see and do a demonstration of the telescope, a multimedia room to receive an explanation of astronomers as well as watch videos of astronomy, and if the sky is clear visitors could enter the building for Surya Binoculars watch solar activity.

Evan asserted, the number of visits to Bosscha not necessarily reflect a high learning astronomy. Because visitors to Bosscha divided into two groups.

First, there are comes purely because they want to know the astronomy, both because it involved travel or EO Bosscha enter into the package of their visit. Indeed, most visitors are Bosscha school children. But their interest in astronomy can be seen from their responses when receiving material about astronomy, many are indifferent, and many are enthusiastic. "So it was 50-50 between science and tourism," he explained.

When compared with the interest and knowledge of astronomy to the astronomy abroad, of course, the students in Indonesia is far behind. In other countries the science of astronomy has entered into the elementary curriculum individually packaged attractively.

Ownership of binoculars were already entrenched in almost every home. So is the number observatory far more than Indonesia. For example Japan has 40 observatories.

In Indonesia, once entered into the astronomy curriculum that is under the IPA geography subjects. "Now do not know it dikemanakan curriculum," said Evan.

The potential for Indonesian students in the field of astronomy is very large. Since 2005 Bosscha open the program training students to follow the international astronomy olympiad, and since then every year for Indonesian students can get a gold.

"Our kids are smart. Although the school baseball diajarin, only trained here for three months, overseas they can be gold, "he said.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

10 Best Brands Cool Guitar World

Guitar is the most common musical instrument on the planet. From this instument is also born of the artists, who cultivate the art of making good guitars, and guitar player itself. History of the guitar itself is not widely known (perhaps in another post I will present the history of the guitar). Artists and producers of collaboration guitar, here are 10 brand of guitar that guitarists the world's most widely used.

(Kika) Gison Gibson Les Paul & Flying V
Gibson Guitar, guitar factory is not alien and one leader of the music technology continues to protect intellectual property rights and provide consumer protection against the development of counterfeiting goods are shipped from and sold by stores and individuals in China.
Gibson is known worldwide by producing classic models in every style model of this stringed instrument. Gibson's digital guitar represents the biggest advance in electric guitar design in over 70 years .... Wahh!.
Founded in 1894 in Kalamazoo, Michigan, and headquartered in Nashville, Tenn. since 1984. Gibson family of brands includes Epiphone Guitar, Dobro, Valley Art, Kramer, Steinberger, OBERHEIM, Tobias, Singerland, Maestro, Take Anywhere Technonolgy, Echoplex, Electar Flatiron, and more.
Fender Yngwie Malmsteen Signature Stratocaster-
Since 1987, the Fender Custom Shop has been a "dream factory", Make played guitar for Ferrari as well as for rushed. Skilled craftsman at the Fender factory, Corona, Custom Shop made her very popular on the planet in terms of expertise and skills of artistry in making guitars from good to fantastic class. Is cuman modif or make a new custom, just the best lah ..
Fender Custom Shop instruments have been working with guitarist world inputs, such as Eric Clapton, Yngwie Malmsteen, Jeff Beck, Sambora, and many others .. (ntar discharged for writing doang name.)
"You can have a guitar in a guitar factory where gitarnnya Eric Clapton are also constrained, by the same person anyway" said Mike Eldred, Fender Custom DOSM his Shop. "There's nothing to do like we do".

Steve Vai signature Ibanez guitar

A brief history of the long journey of a company.
In 1908, when a company named Hoshino started as a sheet music store and later music products distributor in Nagoya, Japan.
In the mid-80s interest in an instrument of the emerging rock guitar, Ibanez collaborated with guitarists like Steve Vai, Joe Satriani and Paul Gilbert and proclaiming the model JEM, JS, RG, and models of S. Now, the current version of this model is still a model calculation on the arena rock world music instrument.
Ibanez guitars, in addition to well-known rock musicians, as well as ngetopnya with his jazz guitar from Ibanez custom proved to George Benson, Pat Metheny two models and many more, also a new semi-acoustic, Ibanez John Scofield Signature.
One last note, Ibanez is also one of the world's top seller for the bass guitar ....

BC Rich guitar company continuously develop and deliver guitars with high-performance bass guitar jugas very interesting. From handmade custom guitars to standard import series guitars, BC Rich has the right guitar at a price that fits for every guitarist. Whether through shape, features or performance - no guitar sound is more heavy metal than BC Rich.
The Beast from the harsh, cruel Mockingbird and Warlock to the legendary Bich models, BC Rich electric guitars have earned a reputation of solid rock on stage all over the world concert stage. That's why choosing a reliable guitarist BC Rich guitars as their weapon. No other guitar can seize the attention like the BC Rich.
If you want a guitar with a stern tone, nice playing and looks scary, you definitely need a BC Rich.

Jackson Mark Morton Dominion of (Lamb of God)

Jackson guitar company was officially founded in 1978. Originally called Charvel Guitar Repair, Wayne Charvel sold to Grover Jackson, partner, partner of his company. With ownership of its own, Jackson was not interested in maintaining the old name. Then Jackson Guitars was born.
From 1979 to 1986 the company located in San Dimas, California. They make guitars in this location until merusahaan joining IMC, or International Music Corporation. Now, Fender holds the rights to the label and the manufacturer Charvel guitars are the same as the initial model created at the location of San Dimas.
Jackson Guitars or probably the best known with Rhoads-V guitar they made with the late Rhandy Rhoads, former guitarist of Quiet Riot and then Ozzie Osborne. Randy Rhoads has a loyal fan so this guitar is pretty much hunted.
The other thing, Jackson is also famous for its guitar style that appeals to heavy metal artists and thrash metal. In general, sweet and elegant guitar design only a few models are designed with a look of ferocious hard metal.
In general, similar to a Jackson guitar Gibson Explorer. In fact, the resemblance is so much which caused Gibson sue them constantly about the infringement of the copyright of this model. They also face lawsuits from Fender. Jackson spared from the lawsuit and his guitar design change. Fender now holds the copyright, that the design and production guitar Charvel model refers to the previous model.
Jackson has some particular model guitar. As mentioned earlier, Randy Rhoads model was designed in cooperation with Rhoads and has a body that is not symmetrical. Other models include, The Warrior, The Kelly (similar to the Gibson Explorer, but slightly more slender), the King V, and the Kelly Star.
Jackson was among the artists who played Phil Collen (Def Leppard), Mark Morton (Lamb of God), Kirk Hammett (Metallica), and Derek Green and Adreas Kisser (Sepultura). Former players like (of course) Randy Rhoads, the late Robin Crosby (Ratt), and Vinnie Vincent (KISS).

Yamaha started more than a century ago when a young entrepreneur named Torakusu Yamaha established step in crafting high-quality reed organ. Long before that he founded Japan's first piano factory, he also gained recognition abroad in 1904, a Yamaha piano and organ was awarded an Honorary Grand Prize at the St. Louis World's Fair.
From this auspicious beginning, Yamaha grew into one of the manufacturers of musical instruments the best-loved manufacturers of musical instruments in the world. And as development, the companies that capitalize unique heritage of the art of carpentry skill mix of knowledge and technology to realize diversification into a wide range of products and services that shocking.
Today, Yamaha is a leader in businesses ranging from musical instruments and audio & video products to information technology products, new media services, home furnishings, auto components, specialty metals, music education and resort facilities. However, through the initial steps of the musical, no matter what business we are engaged in-or what country where we do business, we strive to remain perfectly conform to a set of common values ​​that define the World of Yamaha.

Jerome Bonaparte "JB" Squier, a young English immigrant who arrived in Battle Creek, Michigan., At the end of the 19th century, was a farmer and shoemaker who has studied European art of violin making. He moved to Boston in 1881, where he built and repair the violin with his son, Victor Carroll (VC) Squier. Until recently, they recorded the violin as a violin with exceptional quality, and they command high prices as a good example for the initial instrument-making expertise in the USA. Indeed, J.B. Squier is a skilled violin maker of the most famous in the USA and is often referred to as the "American Stradivarius."
In the 1930s, Squier start doing something for a new era of electric instruments; the company also sells pianos, radios and gramapon to stand alone for all stringed products in 1961.
Association of artists have become part of dizziness for Fender since the beginning, not only in terms of brand awareness, but also as part of the evolution of the product. Squier has now entered the arena, also with three bass new Squier Artist Model appearing on the April 2007-that is, from his Mike Dirnt of Green Day, Frank Bello Anthrax her and her Pete Wentz Fall Out Boy. In the future, Squier will seek more artists who want to be part of the Fender family and to be associated with products that give their young fans instrument of inspiration and expression affordable.
Fender Squier is shared in terms of platform products, trademarks, images and design standards. Squier is a stepping stone for beginners, intermediate guitarists and a whiz towards their ultimate goal-a Fender! With that goal as well as other purposes, Squier will continue to offer products with features and pricing that really deliver value, from beginners, hobbyists, until the musicians to work together.

Epiphone story does not follow a straight line. For more than a century, he turned and turned through the glory, back and back; well beyond the dizzying heights and smash his way over extended age. The final chapter, in 2007, finds Epiphone as one instrument manufacturing of the most successful and respected on the planet. The opening chapter begins 130-something years before that, from the repair shop Stathopoulo Anastasios.
In 2007, Epiphone is all things to all players. The musicians gave the award to the company as a replica Gibson, offers the quality of the most famous models in the U.S. at competitive prices. Recording artist turned to the range kualias U.S. Epiphone guitar manufacturer that competes with any in the world, while fanatisan rock 'n' roll is pleased with the signature model, which includes everything from Valence Nick Riviera until Zakk Wylde Les Paul kastemnya. Regardless of budget, capacity and flow of music, has been able to reach the Epiphone line.
Even more important, Epiphone has retain its pioneering spirit that has always been his calling card Stathopoulo Epi. Either through a pattern of Guitar of the Month 2006 (offering various collections of model every month) or through unrelenting quest to challenge tradition, this is still a growing company in the above risk whilst always delivering results. Perhaps David Berryman placing it as the best, "Gibson is a traditional company, Epiphone is more than an apostate. It is a blend of different rhythms drums.'s Always there. And indeed it is."

ESP, short for Electric Sound Products, started as a store in Japan by Hisatake Shibuya in 1975. Initially they only sell the guitar parts, but in 1976 they started making guitars. This product is only available in Japan until the late 80s when spare parts found their way into the U.S.
 Now, ESP is a company that grew rapidly in the guitar industry. Current path of their guitars have a lot of celebrity endorsement. These include Lynchs Kamikaze, his model Truckster James Hetfield, created as an anniversary tribute to 30 companies. Other models such as, AX series, the Standard Series, Mirage Series, Xtone Series, and Signature Series.

In 1966, Aeronautical Pioneer Charlie Kaman did the most successful ever done - he revolutionized the acoustic guitar. Ovation guitar comes with round backs and new ideas. Professional musician and guitar performance welcomes the purist heads.
 Wing Ovation also includes several different preamp systems for their pickups including system OP30, OP24 + OP40, and OP50.
Ovation offers not only guitars, their mandolins, made in a style as the size of their brothers, are very popular among professional musicians, thanks to the control level on stage.
At present, purely acoustic guitars just looks weird on stage. Over the past three decades, Ovation has maintained its leadership position acoustic / electric. Now, more than 95% of all the ovations which sold around the world are acoustic / electric. Ovation offers three different pickups, perfect for any one specific model - all designed to provide the highest level of performance.
Max headroom with output of more than 12dB of pickups market.
Balance for the strings sound great with a variety of sizes strings.
Rapid response and superior dynamic stride for outstanding solo performance.
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Monday 21 November 2011

Indonesia Waiting for the SEA Games Champions Crowning

SEA Games in 2011 still leaves two more days. However, the host Indonesia confirmed as the overall champion. Red and White contingent just waiting for the coronation became the overall champion at the closing ceremony on Earth Gelora Sriwijaya, Jakabaring, Palembang, Tuesday, November 22, 2011.

Which stood at 150 gold medals, 125 silver and 116 bronze or a total of 391 medals till Sunday evening, 20 November 2011, Indonesia was not overtaken by another contingent. Indonesia has exceeded the target of reaching 25 percent of the total 545 gold being contested in the 26th SEA Games this.
Typically, the overall champion Games Southeast Asian Nations is indeed swept at least 25 percent of the total gold medals. While the overall winner won a record 43 percent.
Hue-hue sumringah starting to look at the faces of the officials of Gold Indonesia Programme Implementation Unit (Satlak Prima), Chairman of Olympic Committee of Indonesia / Indonesian National Sports Committee and Minister of Youth and Sports. In fact, they had hit a high level of tension ahead of the implementation of the 26 th SEA Games is a result of dogged by various problems.

"Alhamdulillah, Insya Allah, we can win the general. Because once we are targeting 136 gold medals and now it is over the target. We're heading toward the overall championship," said Chairman of the KONI / KOI, Rita Subowo.

Gold as a determinant of Indonesia overall champion came from various branches. Including several branches which exceeded the target as Shoe Wheel is doing mop-gold, Athletics, Karate, Climbing Wall, Paddle, Wushu and Badminton.

"It's thanks to the cooperation of all parties. From the readiness of our athletes are physically or mentally. Finally, they can achieve all this with all the limitations that exist," added the woman was friendly smile.

"From the beginning we had imagined it (the medal). Since we've programmed some plans together Prima (Indonesia Gold Program). At least we got 136 medals, it's about 27 percent of the 545 gold medals up for grabs," said Rita again.
"The joy for me because many of our athletes are still very young. Now we will focus on their welfare."

Andi Mallarangeng Menpora no less optimistic. Indonesia calls Menpora chance to win the general has reached 99 percent.
"So it's no longer overtaken for the overall winner. But, athletes should focus on fighting for the gold as much as possible," Andi said when contacted VIVAnews, Sunday, November 20, 2011.

According to him, with this gold medal, Indonesia has become the overall champion safe. Thailand provided that Indonesia could poke barely won one gold in the remaining games that exist.

"If we do not get anything, Thailand win. But, the Indonesia did not get anything? So for now count-count 99 percent were safely into the overall champion. But there is still 1 percent for it and should not be arrogant," he added.

Furthermore, estimates Menpora Indonesia will be able to reach 170 gold medals at the SEA Games XXVI. The target is actually not strange because of reports each carrier sport before seag 2011 was held, the maximum target could reach 175 gold.
"Of all the branches are fairly evenly distributed, of gold left over we could get 25 gold. Then we could get 160-170 gold medal at the SEA Games this time," he said.

Waiting 14 Years

Indonesia had to wait for 14 years to prevail again. Contingent of Red and White never became king in Southeast Asia in the last six SEA Games. The last time, Indonesia triumphed in the ASEAN region to host the SEA Games 1997.

The signs of the emergence of rivals for the contingent of Red and White is already visible after Thailand became the overall champion as host seag 1995 in Chiang Mai.
Indonesia re-took the time to host seag 1997 in Jakarta. But, back to the King of Thailand in ASEAN in 1999 in Brunei Darussalam.

Rivalry of Indonesia and Thailand is getting hot. The two countries are inter-claim as a force in Southeast Asia's biggest sport. Indonesia and Thailand are also clashing winning the medal if the number appearing at the Asian Games and Olympics.

After 1999, the SEA Games champion as a trophy given to the host. Because the host is surprisingly capable of becoming the overall champion in 2001, namely Malaysia, Vietnam 2003, the Philippines Thailand 2005 and again 2007.

Malaysia, Vietnam and the Philippines is not a major force in the ASEAN region. However, the ability of the general won the Vietnam SEA Games in 2003 became a milestone revival of uncle Ho's sport. Vietnam is now able to become a new force rivals for Indonesia and Thailand.

This is evidenced in seag 2009 Vietnam Laos. They were in position 2 under Thailand are back to being the overall champion. While Indonesia only been in position 3 gold medalist ever.

Now, Indonesia again became King in the ASEAN region. The euphoria may hit the country. But, in fact more severe challenges ahead. Like the phrase, "maintain more difficult than win."

Moreover, Indonesia triumphed in the branches instead of the alias that competed at the Olympic level of Asia (Asian Games) and worldwide (Olympics).

Commander Satlak Prima, Tono Suratman before the SEA Games was held to admit that Indonesia gold mine comes from branches of non-Olympic. Luckily, the prediction was slightly covered with athletic success, though to compete in the Asia and the world was very heavy.

"After this we will start with a new program. The new prediction for the second two years by giving equal opportunities, both branch and non-olympic sports olympic sports. Indeed ongoing coaching, about priorities still exist, which leads to achievement , where the coaching toward achievement, "said Tono to VIVAnews.

"We hope the Government will still impact the allocation of training funds, as well as to other points. Included for foreign coaches who do have more certificates. This means that the coach certificate champion athlete has ever made. Because it is for the SEA Games, the countries that became only competitor that's it, unlike the Asian Games or Olympics. "

Coaching is very serious in the branches of Olympic is very necessary. This is so that Indonesia also did not get the bandwagon 'trophy' which is only able to become the overall champion at the time the host.

"So after this fixed exercises with long-term program. What we will now evaluate the leading branches of the Olympics. It became a priority," said Tono.

Football Gold closes

As always, accomplishments as a public champion won the 2011 SEA Games in Indonesia is less complete when not covered with gold medal football. Although only one gold medal but football is very high prestige value. Moreover, Indonesia has 20 years of not winning the SEA Games football.

"We want to become the overall champion and won the gold medal for football," said Andi Mallarangeng Menpora, 20 November 2011.

According to him, Indonesia victories in Games event in Southeast Asia is like a sweet cake. However, victory in football as a branch of cherry pie to sweeten it.

Andi said, if it could sustain such a game against Vietnam, then Indonesia could conquer the Malaysian national team in the final at Bung Karno Main Stadium, Senayan, Jakarta, on Monday evening, 21 November 2011.
Menpora also commanded the people to continue supporting the national team with enthusiasm and orderly. He also appealed to the people who want to support directly at the Bung Karno Stadium in order to be aware of fake tickets.

Two People Indonesia National Team Supporter Were Killed

JAKARTA, Indonesia national team supporter Two people were killed at the Bung Karno Main Stadium. Both were killed at the entrance of VIII GBK.

Based on information compiled, one victim identified as Reno (20), a resident of Cililitan, East Jakarta. Yet another is being recognized. Currently both bodies were taken to the Cipto Mangunkusumo, Jakarta.

"He's headed to the hospital," said an officer RSCM Somad to Legal, Monday (21/11/2011).

Both victims were killed after berdesakkan get into the stadium before the SEA Games football final match between Indonesia-XXVI against Malaysia.

SEA Games football final match against Malaysia 2011 Indonesia already begun, but the spectators who have tickets yet masauk into the stadium arena. Legal watchlist VIII in the door until the game starts it still looks the audience entered the queue is still long enough at each door.

"In eight tumultuous door, police-blow at the same audience," said Ade an audience ahead of the game begins.

Viewers, he added, had tickets but could not get into the stadium because it is full. "Spectators who have tickets to the VIP entrance to enter GBK Stadium, but he's already full," said Ade.

Sunday 20 November 2011

Lady Gaga Ritual Before a Gig

LOS ANGELES - There is another unique behavior of Lady Gaga, she admitted often peed in the trash in the locker room before a gig.

The reason is quite reasonable, Gaga is known for always wearing a dress with a complicated design time gig. Until he was lazy to walk to the toilet, because it must pass through the corridor.

Gaga disclose it on the show Alan Carr.

"I often urinate in the trash in the locker room," says Gaga Digitalspy reported on Friday (18/11/2011).

"Maybe it would be an interesting photo, because I was with a large pink trash. The bathroom was down the hall and I was naked. There is only me, the trash and my nudity. I and the trash like having a relationship that is very important, "he said.

Born This Way 'singer was also cast joked by saying he may be known as' Latey Gaga' if he continues to use the traditional way during urination.

Make Your Teeth Be Healthy

Many people often replace her with a candy apple. According to a study conducted by the 'King's College London Dental Institute', apples do not really healthier than candy when viewed from the standpoint of dental health.

Surprisingly, the harmful effects of apples on the teeth is four times greater than soft drinks. It appears, from research it is known that there are at least five things that give a bad impact on your teeth, namely:

1. Eating an apple

According to scientists there are several types of apples that contain four teaspoons of sugar which can increase the acidity of the mouth. This course will give a negative effect on dental health. Even so, Apple also has calcium which is known to neutralize the acid and strengthen bone tissue, including teeth.

According to David Barlett, head of the department of Prosthodontics at King's College, the problem is not what we eat, but how we eat it. When someone eating an apple slowly, high acid levels in apples have plenty of time to damage the teeth.

The findings are summarized according to a study in a study of 1000 people aged 18 to 30 years. the researchers are very interested in the relationship between what is consumed by the respondents and the problems of the teeth and gums.

Results found that respondents who liked the apple has particularly 3.7 times greater risk of tooth decay.

2. Types of beverages that can damage your teeth

Wine, beer, fruit juices and produce four times higher risk of tooth decay. It would be higher if consumed on a regular basis. Even so, the fruit juice is still the most healthy beverage than others. So, you can use the straw and pick fresh fruit without added sugar.

3. Cereals

Why cereal blacklisted the dentist? It seems that the form of cereal bars that contain large amounts of sugar that is not good for your dental health.

4. Brushing your teeth after meals

Brushing your teeth immediately after eating will not be useful in fact, can harm your teeth. When eating, tooth enamel softened by acid so that it is very vulnerable and fragile. You will only create further damage if you brush your teeth immediately after eating.

The best time if you want to brush your teeth is 30 minutes after you eat.

5. Does chewing gum can damage your teeth?

Apparently it's still a load of controversy. There are dentists who say chewing gum good for your teeth, while others say dangerous.

According Dr.Junket from Boston University, sugar-free gum, especially with a sense of the fruit, contains high levels of acid. This acid will cause the tooth enamel and increase tooth decay.

However, other studies show that chewing gum after eating a large peremn, and after a snack, can reduce 40 percent of tooth decay.

Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge, Northern Ireland

Adrenaline when traveling is not always done by doing extreme activities like bungee-jumping or flying fox. You can take the test the courage to cross the bridge mines in Northern Ireland.

This bridge called Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge or Bridge Mine Carrick-a-Rede. This is a suspension bridge that connects the main island with small islands, namely the island of Carrick.

This bridge consists of two pieces of mine that becomes the handle when crossing the bridge along the two-meter-wide only one adult size only. Formerly, this bridge is a means for Irish fishermen to catch salmon in the waters around the island of Carrick.

Crossing this bridge is quite stressful as strong as if not bear the weight of your load. But do not worry because the bridge is specially designed so it is safe for visitors.

After crossing the bridge, visitors will arrive on the island of Carrick, where visitors can enjoy stunning views towards seamless Rathlin Island and Scotland.

Bridge this mine is one of the major attractions in Ireland which attracts up to 247,000 tourists visit each year.

Carcasses Aliens

Petrozavodsk - A woman claims to save the carcass of an alien (extraterrestrial) in his refrigerator for two years.

According to the news, it took the carcass Yogorovnam aliens from a UFO crash site locations near his home in 2009. He also showed some photos of dead aliens to show proof.

These creatures reach 60cm high, has a head and large eyes. This creature looks like a fish, but has a hand. Yogorovnam was immediately concluded, this creature was an alien who is dead. Similarly, as reported by the Daily Mail, Saturday (19/11/2011).

News of the existence of UFOs or strange objects from outer space is quite crowded in Russia. In April, two students claimed she found a dead alien that is different from that found by Yogorovnam in Siberia.

Both students who were aged 19 years was also directly demonstrated that alien videotape to the public. Aliens who found him lying in the snow and looked like aliens in fiction films.

Video footage alien discovery was immediately enliven the Youtube site and both the student is directly called by the police for questioning. This discovery attracted attention even the Russian government and Russian Ministry spokesman immediately said, the discovery of the two students were just a mere joke.

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Tobotobo Marine Park, Indonesia

Almost in all the islands in Indonesia to save the wealth of marine life is beautiful and needs to be preserved. One more marine parks that are not less beautiful is Tobotobo Marine Park in North Halmahera.

Marine Park is located in the Village Tobotobo Tobotobo, District Loloda Islands. In the village Tobotobo there are also thousands of bats that live in trees, mangroves, and a shower of white doves and blue.

Tobotobo Marine Park is a place that has a very beautiful marine park so it is advisable for snorkeling or diving activities.

To be able to reach the marine park attraction Tobotobo Available passenger ship twice a week from the port of Tobelo to Loloda, the journey takes approximately nine hours. Although Tobotobo can be reached from every village in Loloda, Dorume island is the best option for transit.

Tobotobo Marine Park is only about 15 minutes by speedboat from Dorume that can be rented from the local population.

NASA Ready Goes To The Moon

WASHINGTON - While NASA will not soon return to the Moon in the near future, will not be long before the space tourists will probably overrun the former Apollo landing sites.

Chances are helping rekindle support for the claim on the moon landing site as a reserve or national park history, thus ensuring the site was safe from interference.

From 1969 to 1972, NASA put the mission on the Moon 6. Each landed in different places, but in each of these landing-astronaut astronaut United States (U.S.) always leave artifacts. Apollo 11, the first mission, leaving a variety of goods, from the "camera, lunar TV" to a set of urine collection.

This summer, NASA has released guidelines on the protection of artifacts and the landing site. They announced a no-fly zone covering an area of ​​1,200 hectares around the site the first landing mission, Apollo 11, and the last one, Apollo 17.

What made him hurry? NASA has begun to get inquiries from two dozen or more teams competing for $ 30 million Google Lunar X Prize, for those who managed to land a robot on the surface of the Moon with independent funding.

This increases the likelihood of private spacecraft landed close to the 'footprints' Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong on the Moon. Similarly, as reported by Physorg, Wednesday (11/16/2011).

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Iranian Missile Experts Were Killed

JERUSALEM - The Israeli media said that Israeli intelligence (Mossad) was behind the explosion in Iran's military facilities on Sunday. This explosion killed Iranian missile experts.

The explosion occurred at the Military Base Bid Ganeh which killed 17 people and wounding 15 others. The incident itself was of great concern to Israeli media, calling it a success of the Mossad operation.

Although the Iranian side stated that the explosion in the Bid Ganeh entirely an accident, the west and Israel, claiming the blast was part of the Mossad intelligence operations.

The newspaper Yediot Ahronot reported that the Mossad in cooperation with Iranian militant group Mujahideen e-Khalq (MEK). The news itself is taken by the Yediot Ahronot of blogs owned by citizens of the United States Richard Silverstein.

While Time magazine also claimed the Mossad was behind the attack. This is done to disrupt Iran's nuclear weapons development program.

The explosion occurred at the base, reportedly destroying long-range missile storage facility owned by Iran. Magnitude of the explosion and even felt up to approximately 30 miles from the Iranian capital, Tehran.

Among the victims were killed by this explosion was Maj. Gen. Hassan Moghaddam. The commander of Iran's Revolutionary Guards, known as a pioneering figure in Iran's missile industry.

Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak said it is appropriate that Moghaddam's death occurred. He also expects other figures are similar to Moghaddam was killed in Iran.

Office of the Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu himself refused to comment on speculation Mossad involvement in the blast. It is also conveyed by the former Deputy Director of the Mossad Ilan Mizrahi.

"I do not know whether the explosion was sabotage or accidental form, but I would like to thank everyone who was behind the explosion, because it can prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons capability," Mizrahi said as quoted by The Guardian, Tuesday (15/11 / 2011).

After the release of a report from the International Atomic Agency (IAEA), Israel's hard-hearted to carry out attacks against Iran. The contents of the report which states the possibility of Iran developing nuclear weapons is what makes Israel intends to attack Iran.

As with the previous French and U.S. are expected to conduct an attack against Iran. Both countries prefer the adoption of new sanctions on Iran are even harder.

Iran has denied all allegations of the IAEA. They insist that nuclear technologies are developed, used for the benefit of peace for the people of Iran. While allegations of nuclear weapons, in the eyes of Iran was a U.S. engineering.

Tanjung Keluang, Indonesia

Wherever you go in the entire archipelago, there is always a beautiful natural attractions and is worth your visit. This time we try to visit to Central Kalimantan, where there are natural attractions bat Cape, located in the village of Kubu, West Kotawaringin, Indonesia.

Cape Nature Parks bat formed by pure white sand with calm sea, and the presence of typical coastal evergreen plant is a beautiful panorama.

Natural scenic beauty beach (sand and mangrove) supported by the existence of flora and fauna are typical. Flora prominent vegetation in the area of ​​Natural Park Cape bat are: Sea Pines (Casuarina sp), and mangrove (Rhizophora sp.)

Fauna species of wildlife can be found in the area of ​​Natural Park bat Cape, among other water Weasel (cycnogale sp), falcons (henicopersis novaeguineae) and kingfisher birds.

Calm sea conditions make this beach is perfect for swimming and sunbathing while enjoying the beauty of the beach. This beach is also the potential to be developed as a location for deep sea fishing.

From Jakarta navigate to your destination Bun Base that can be achieved with commercial flights. After that, the road trip by car can be resumed about 30 minutes with the distance to the village of Kubu approximately 30 km. New from the beach camp continued with the journey of water about 15 minutes.

Saturday 12 November 2011

New 7 Wonders of Nature

Seven winners of the event while the New7Wonders of Nature has been announced, Saturday, November 12, 2011. They are: the island of Komodo. Amazon, Halong Bay, Iguazu Falls, Jeju Island, Puerto Princesa Underground River and Table Mountain.

It's not yet the final result, the organizers still counting votes to determine who is entitled to the title of 'miracle dunia' - which will be announced early in 2012.

Nevertheless, the announcement has been warmly welcomed by supporters of finalists who qualify, otherwise somber responded by citizens who champion was called.

One supporter of the Bay of Fundy, for example, Terri McCulloch was disappointed, rather than into seven large, finalists from Canada was not even mentioned in the list of 14 finalists with the largest share of the vote while.

However, women who tirelessly campaigned for the Bay of Fundy during the four-year-old says, although not successful, participation in the New7Wonders has attracted global attention on these unique waters. Campaign in the event it is passed, to tell the world about the unique tidal waters, with diverse ecosystems, and rich marine creatures. "We still feel happy to be around 28 large, there's nothing to be sorry," he said as published Canada Press.

Stud of Ireland, Cliffs of Moher also expressed no escape. In fact, an institution in the country expect further increase in tourist visits as much as 35 percent, which adds to Ireland's purse earnings to 700 million euros - in five years - if they could get a hero predicate 'natural wonders of the world'

Although disappointed, the Director of the Cliffs of Moher, Katherine Webster thanked those who participated in this campaign for four years. Mayor of Clare, Pat Hayes, although disappointed, he says, "at least more people around the world heard the name of the Cliffs of Moher, than ever before," he said as published Irish Times.

Bitter pill also felt the citizens of Lebanon. Their vigorous campaign - even the prime minister said, choose Jeita Grotto is part of the "duty of the state" - has not been able to compete with other contestants. "Unfortunately, the interim results have not been able to bring a smile on our faces," said Nabil Haddad, general manager of Jeita, as published the Daily Star. He added that the Dead Sea is also not otherwise qualify.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Najib Mikati said, by becoming a finalist in the finals, is an opportunity for Jeita Grotto become a leading tourist destination, despite the fact that he failed to secure its position in seven major. "This proves, once again, that this country has been blessed by the miracle that needs to be maintained," said Mikati.

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