Tuesday 15 November 2011

Tanjung Keluang, Indonesia

Wherever you go in the entire archipelago, there is always a beautiful natural attractions and is worth your visit. This time we try to visit to Central Kalimantan, where there are natural attractions bat Cape, located in the village of Kubu, West Kotawaringin, Indonesia.

Cape Nature Parks bat formed by pure white sand with calm sea, and the presence of typical coastal evergreen plant is a beautiful panorama.

Natural scenic beauty beach (sand and mangrove) supported by the existence of flora and fauna are typical. Flora prominent vegetation in the area of ​​Natural Park Cape bat are: Sea Pines (Casuarina sp), and mangrove (Rhizophora sp.)

Fauna species of wildlife can be found in the area of ​​Natural Park bat Cape, among other water Weasel (cycnogale sp), falcons (henicopersis novaeguineae) and kingfisher birds.

Calm sea conditions make this beach is perfect for swimming and sunbathing while enjoying the beauty of the beach. This beach is also the potential to be developed as a location for deep sea fishing.

From Jakarta navigate to your destination Bun Base that can be achieved with commercial flights. After that, the road trip by car can be resumed about 30 minutes with the distance to the village of Kubu approximately 30 km. New from the beach camp continued with the journey of water about 15 minutes.


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