Saturday 12 November 2011

Turkish earthquake

VAN - Rescuers continue to find the bodies of victims of the earthquake that hit Turkey last Wednesday, November 9th. To date, 26 bodies found by rescuers.

The quake hit the region affected by the devastating earthquake on Oct. 23. This time the magnitude 5.7 earthquake on the Richter scale and caused a hotel where foreign journalists and rescue workers to stay.

Rescuers assisted by fellow journalists trapped in Hotel Bayram, continue to explore the ruins of the hotel that collapsed in the quake. A total of 14 bodies had issued from the hotel. The death toll was also found at the Hotel Aslan.

Local authorities have stopped the search for victims at the Hotel Aslan on Friday evening local time. Currently they are more focused search on the Hotel Bayram.

It is not known how many people are trapped in the hotel. Their work was further complicated by the falling snow in the earthquake locations.

"We can not hear the voices of victims. But rescuers are still trying to unload the concrete wall, in search of possible victims still trapped," said Acting Disaster Turkey Askit Dayi as quoted by the Associated Press on Saturday (11/12/2011).

The earthquake that occurred this time more and more add to the suffering of the citizens of Van. Earlier in October, an earthquake measuring 7.2 magnitude menggundang Van and peas. The earthquake itself causes approximately 600 residents were killed.

Until now, residents who survived the earthquake in October are still struggling to find shelter.


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