Petrozavodsk - A woman claims to save the carcass of an alien (extraterrestrial) in his refrigerator for two years.
According to the news, it took the carcass Yogorovnam aliens from a UFO crash site locations near his home in 2009. He also showed some photos of dead aliens to show proof.
These creatures reach 60cm high, has a head and large eyes. This creature looks like a fish, but has a hand. Yogorovnam was immediately concluded, this creature was an alien who is dead. Similarly, as reported by the Daily Mail, Saturday (19/11/2011).
News of the existence of UFOs or strange objects from outer space is quite crowded in Russia. In April, two students claimed she found a dead alien that is different from that found by Yogorovnam in Siberia.
Both students who were aged 19 years was also directly demonstrated that alien videotape to the public. Aliens who found him lying in the snow and looked like aliens in fiction films.
Video footage alien discovery was immediately enliven the Youtube site and both the student is directly called by the police for questioning. This discovery attracted attention even the Russian government and Russian Ministry spokesman immediately said, the discovery of the two students were just a mere joke.
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