Wednesday 30 November 2011

Comic Book Worth USD 13.5 Billion

Though only a comic book. But, worth about U.S. $ 1.5 million or about Rp13, 5 billion. Unreasonable price for a comic book.

In the city of New York, the exorbitant price of comic books will soon be auctioned.

Actually, what makes a comic book superhero Superman's character is very expensive?

It turns out this comic book has its own story. First, these comic books are the property of respected comic book collectors. Second, this comic book is the most sought after people.

And third, no less interesting. This comic book was stolen 11 years ago, until at last been found.

Even then, it already bears the comic book comic's most expensive record, reaching U.S. $ 15 thousand or about Rp135 million.

Luckily, a businessman who bought several units of home furnishings found this book in a former closet.


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