Sunday, 20 November 2011

Make Your Teeth Be Healthy

Many people often replace her with a candy apple. According to a study conducted by the 'King's College London Dental Institute', apples do not really healthier than candy when viewed from the standpoint of dental health.

Surprisingly, the harmful effects of apples on the teeth is four times greater than soft drinks. It appears, from research it is known that there are at least five things that give a bad impact on your teeth, namely:

1. Eating an apple

According to scientists there are several types of apples that contain four teaspoons of sugar which can increase the acidity of the mouth. This course will give a negative effect on dental health. Even so, Apple also has calcium which is known to neutralize the acid and strengthen bone tissue, including teeth.

According to David Barlett, head of the department of Prosthodontics at King's College, the problem is not what we eat, but how we eat it. When someone eating an apple slowly, high acid levels in apples have plenty of time to damage the teeth.

The findings are summarized according to a study in a study of 1000 people aged 18 to 30 years. the researchers are very interested in the relationship between what is consumed by the respondents and the problems of the teeth and gums.

Results found that respondents who liked the apple has particularly 3.7 times greater risk of tooth decay.

2. Types of beverages that can damage your teeth

Wine, beer, fruit juices and produce four times higher risk of tooth decay. It would be higher if consumed on a regular basis. Even so, the fruit juice is still the most healthy beverage than others. So, you can use the straw and pick fresh fruit without added sugar.

3. Cereals

Why cereal blacklisted the dentist? It seems that the form of cereal bars that contain large amounts of sugar that is not good for your dental health.

4. Brushing your teeth after meals

Brushing your teeth immediately after eating will not be useful in fact, can harm your teeth. When eating, tooth enamel softened by acid so that it is very vulnerable and fragile. You will only create further damage if you brush your teeth immediately after eating.

The best time if you want to brush your teeth is 30 minutes after you eat.

5. Does chewing gum can damage your teeth?

Apparently it's still a load of controversy. There are dentists who say chewing gum good for your teeth, while others say dangerous.

According Dr.Junket from Boston University, sugar-free gum, especially with a sense of the fruit, contains high levels of acid. This acid will cause the tooth enamel and increase tooth decay.

However, other studies show that chewing gum after eating a large peremn, and after a snack, can reduce 40 percent of tooth decay.


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