Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Bali, The Best Waves

Surfers are famous with tourists nomadennya lifestyle. They spend their lives roaming the world, looking for the perfect waves for surfing. As reported by BBC, Indonesia including the selection of the world's favorite surfing spot.

Bali has been famous as a place to surf for world-class surfers. Kuta Beach is a favorite because the waves are good but also because the beach is close to the sparkling city life.But the best place to surf in Bali is the Bukit Peninsula. While surfers who prefer the atmosphere of tranquility choose to surf on the coast plains, near Uluwatu.

Not far from Bali, Lombok is also one saltu best option for surfing. Desert Point is a beach that is believed to have waves with the best waves in the world.

Not inferior to Bali and Lombok, Java precisely in Grajagan has waves that are consistent with the longest wavelengths, which can stimulate adrenaline. For something more relaxing, surfing at Batu Karas can be tried, although according to some surfers surf at Batu Karas is too boring, but this place does not hurt to visit for its beautiful landscape.

Not forgetting also the small islands around Sumatra, although less popular with the Balinese, but the waves in these islands, especially in Nias, is considered almost perfect.Even after the 2004 tsunami, the wave height increases dramatically here.

If you ask the surfers of the world where the place they most want to visit to surf, then the answer must be the Mentawai Islands. The islands here have become a world-class surf, although to reach the island ni entail relatively expensive.

The right time for surfing in Indonesia is year-round, but the best time is from about May to October, where the wind was blowing from the southeast, bringing waves of the Indian Ocean.


Anonymous said...

How magical awesome!
Have you tried surf there, dude?

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