Sunday 20 November 2011

Lady Gaga Ritual Before a Gig

LOS ANGELES - There is another unique behavior of Lady Gaga, she admitted often peed in the trash in the locker room before a gig.

The reason is quite reasonable, Gaga is known for always wearing a dress with a complicated design time gig. Until he was lazy to walk to the toilet, because it must pass through the corridor.

Gaga disclose it on the show Alan Carr.

"I often urinate in the trash in the locker room," says Gaga Digitalspy reported on Friday (18/11/2011).

"Maybe it would be an interesting photo, because I was with a large pink trash. The bathroom was down the hall and I was naked. There is only me, the trash and my nudity. I and the trash like having a relationship that is very important, "he said.

Born This Way 'singer was also cast joked by saying he may be known as' Latey Gaga' if he continues to use the traditional way during urination.


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