Friday 25 November 2011

Clashed in Egypt Resulted in 41 People Killed

Victims of the riots in Egypt between protesters and security forces has reached 41 people, the country's health ministry said.

The clashes have been raging since Saturday (19/11) between police and protesters demanding the military handed over power to civilian government.

Most of the unrest has centered around the roundabout At-Tahrir in the Egyptian capital, Cairo, the central symbol of the protests that toppled Hosni Mubarak in February.

Ministry of Health said 36 people had been killed in the Egyptian capital, the official news agency reported the country, MENA, as quoted by Xinhua.

As many as four other people were killed in Ismailiya and in Iskandriyah, the second major city in Egypt.

A demonstrator was shot to death in the city Mesra Matruh in the northwest of the country on Wednesday (23/11). At that time, security forces clashed with demonstrators who tried to storm a police station.


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