Friday 25 November 2011

The Richest Man in Indonesia

The position of the big 3 in the list of 40 richest people in Indonesia almost never change. They always dominate the rich list, the value is too much compared to those of other entries in the list.
The big three in the list of richest people is estimated to have assets of up to U.S. $ 32.5 billion or about 38% of the total property of 40 richest people in Indonesia, which amounted to U.S. $ 85.1 billion.
Their wealth has also increased sharply compared to the year 2010. In total, 40 people are worth U.S. $ 85.1 billion, up 19% compared to the year 2010.
The three parties 'dominate' list as quoted by Forbes, Thursday (11/24/2011) are:

1 & 2. R. Budi Hartono & Michael
Brothers Djarum group owner has the property of U.S. $ 14 billion or about Rp 126 trillion. One of its greatest assets other than Djarum cigarette factory is Bank Central Asia (BCA) which is a bank with the largest customers in Indonesia.
Throughout the year 2010, BCA shares jumped to 20% with a profit of Rp 8.3 trillion. Latest action group is buying Kaskus Djarum Group, through its subsidiary Prima Global Digital Ventures.
With a wealth of U.S. $ 14 billion in 2011, means the property of two brothers growing U.S. $ 3 billion in 2010 compared to wealth.

3. Susilo Wonowidjojo
Owner of the Gudang Garam's 55-year-old managed to increase the coffers of his fortune at U.S. $ 2.5 billion to U.S. $ 10.5 billion or about Rp 94.5 trillion in 2011.
President Susilo is now a Commissioner of the cigarette company Gudang Garam, which was founded by his father. Second largest cigarette factory in Indonesia was previously run by his brother, Rachman Halim before it finally died in 2008.

4. Eka Widjaja Tjipta
88-year-old tycoon was solid in the third position with assets of U.S. $ 8 billion or about Rp 72 trillion, up U.S. $ 2 billion compared to the year 2010 which amounted to U.S. $ 6 billion.
Eka Tjipta wealth was mainly derived from oil company Golden Agri-Resources. Financial services company, Sinar Mas Multiartha participate in providing support for Eka Tjipta wealth.
But before his success now, Eka Tjipta also had to deal with failure to pay of his company, Asia Pulp & Paper for U.S. $ 10 billion in 1997 when the crisis struck.


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