Sunday 27 November 2011

5 Acne for Fighting Foods

Acne is one of the "enemy" that interfere with smooth skin. There are several factors that trigger acne, including hormonal upheaval, stress, until the skin clean. Certain foods are also thought to cause acne. However, there are also foods that can keep the beauty of the skin as well as conquer "the enemy" this skin.

1. Oysters, poultry, and fish
No one knows exactly why these foods are considered to be able to prevent acne. But experts believe, the intake of Zinc (zinc) is sufficient in any diet can help to mitigate the appearance of acne. This is probably due to the nature of the zinc that helps control the release of hormones. In addition, zinc also helps the body absorb vitamin A and other nutrients essential for healthy skin.

2. Salmon and other sources of omega-3
Some dermatologists believe that omega-3 fatty acids in addition to helping prevent inflammation may also help control acne. In order to get maximum results, at least you have to eat two servings of fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids each week. The best sources of omega 3 can be obtained from salmon, sardines, and mackerel, or flax seeds and walnuts.

3. Potatoes, carrots, cantaloupe, or paprika
Beta-carotene is found in many fruits and vegetables, orange and yellow. This substance has the function to convert vitamin A in the body and other nutrients that help improve the selenium - compounds that are good for the skin.

4. Oranges, tomatoes, or kiwi
Foods rich in vitamin C does not have a function as a healer of acne. But these vitamins will strengthen the cell wall while helping protect your skin from scarring that can cause stains. In addition to the citrus bioflavonoid content can also act as a natural anti-inflammatory that can speed up the healing process.

5. Almonds, eggs, or green leafy vegetables
Antioxidants vitamin E helps heal the skin from damage and scarring caused by acne. It is not easy to get lots of vitamin E from diet low in fat. But crude vegetable oils, nuts, and seeds are the best sources of antioxidants.


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