Saturday 26 November 2011

Black Friday (Thanksgiving)

Thanksgiving in the United States as a momentum to improve country's economic situation. Competing stores opened early and giving massive discounts in order to attract buyers as many

Most shops had opened since before Friday at 00.00, which is also called Black Friday, and seemed crowded by visitors. "We came because it attracted a discount, but we also to see if there are no discounted goods that we could buy," said James McBreaty, one of the visitors to a shopping center, as published by Reuters news agency on Friday, November 25, 2011.

The strategy seems quite successful. Toys R Us toy store in Long Island, New York for example, crowded with 300 people pengantre even before the store opened on Thursday evening at 21.00 local time.

Online stores like Amazon also did not want to lose than conventional stores. Amazon started giving offers a stunning welcome Thanksgiving is one of the important holiday in the State of Uncle Sam at 21:00 on Thursday.

Clothing stores like Old Navy, Gap, put half the price discount strategy. Some other stores such as Target Corp., JC Penny and Best Buy just opened accidentally in the middle of the night to avoid the competition that is too tight.

The National Retail Federation reported that U.S. economic growth at the end of the holiday season of 2011 only reached 2.8 percent. This number decreased from last year's 5.2 percent.

However, the federation estimates that there will be 152 million people who spend their money on Black Friday. This number increased to 10.1 percent from a year ago.


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