Sunday 20 November 2011

Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge, Northern Ireland

Adrenaline when traveling is not always done by doing extreme activities like bungee-jumping or flying fox. You can take the test the courage to cross the bridge mines in Northern Ireland.

This bridge called Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge or Bridge Mine Carrick-a-Rede. This is a suspension bridge that connects the main island with small islands, namely the island of Carrick.

This bridge consists of two pieces of mine that becomes the handle when crossing the bridge along the two-meter-wide only one adult size only. Formerly, this bridge is a means for Irish fishermen to catch salmon in the waters around the island of Carrick.

Crossing this bridge is quite stressful as strong as if not bear the weight of your load. But do not worry because the bridge is specially designed so it is safe for visitors.

After crossing the bridge, visitors will arrive on the island of Carrick, where visitors can enjoy stunning views towards seamless Rathlin Island and Scotland.

Bridge this mine is one of the major attractions in Ireland which attracts up to 247,000 tourists visit each year.


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