Tuesday 6 March 2012

The Quake Shook The Central Region Of The Philippines

A month ago, the earthquake also hit the island of Negros, which killed 113 people.

An earthquake measuring 5.2 on the Richter scale shook the central Philippines on Tuesday (6/3) destroy the glass building, tear down a vacant building and spread panic.

Philippine Institute of Volcanology and reported the epicenter was near the city of Masbate, Masbate island in the central Visayas region.

There were no deaths caused by this earthquake, but eight people were reportedly suffered minor injuries due to exposure to debris.

"There was panic, people afraid to go out," said Mayor Socrates Tuason Masbate through the national radio broadcast.

"People were eating breakfast and getting ready for work or school when the earthquake happened," added the mayor.

Visible cracks in some buildings in the city of Masbate and the government asked the city's 90 000 residents to stay home.

One building collapsed
Mayor Tuason explained a three-storey building collapsed, but certainly no one is inside the building.

"For a long time the building was empty long before the earthquake struck," Tuason said.

Tuason added all the time no school building experts check the condition of the building and ensure that all buildings in the city was safe.

Office of Civil Defense in Manila recorded six aftershocks occurred within a few hours after the main quake.

Philippines lies in the path of the fire circle, a line in the Pacific region is often hit by earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

This earthquake occurred just a month after a 6.7 magnitude earthquake rocked the island of Negros which triggered landslides that killed 113 people.


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