Tuesday 6 March 2012

Can spider webs spun So Violin Strings

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, TOKYO - A Japanese researcher has made a scientific creations of silk and spider webs. Apparently, thousands of pieces of thick silk is spun up to serve as violin strings.

Japanese researchers Shigeyoshi Osaki of Nara Medical University revealed that the strings of spider silk has a distinctive softness and depth in color tone than ordinary strings. The strings of spider silk is also more resistant than steel strings.

Manufacture and testing of the strings is described in the scientific journal Physical Review Letters. Osaki specifically study the pull line off the net of spider silk, and measure its strength.

Osaki also has perfected a method of spinning silk to get more number of silk. Osaki menangkarkan even some types of spiders for this experiment. "Making the silk as a violin string instruments has been the subject of scientific research," he wrote that was launched in bbc.co.uk, Monday (5/3).

Osaki using 300 female spider Nephila species maculataand, this is a species of "golden weaver spider". These spiders are known for their intricate arrangement of nets. For each chord, 3000 Osaki spin up to 5,000 strands of silk. Each string is then spun back to the other three strings simultaneously.

Osaki and then measure the strength of these strings. A study using electron microscopy showed that these strings have a perfectly round shape. Osaki also demonstrated the strings of spider has a unique tone and very deep. "The strings have a distinctive tone and color to create a different music," he said.


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