Friday 28 October 2011

Suicide Is Commonplace In India

NEW DELHI - The Indian government reports, the death rate from suicide increased in India and every hour, 15 people were reportedly killed by a suicide.

Financial difficulties and debts are piling up, makes an Indian man chose to end his fate. Meanwhile, the women committed suicide commonly caused by pressure and prosecution of dowry in marriage. Similarly, as reported by the Associated Press on Friday (10/28/2011).

According to reports from the Government of India, released on Thursday, nearly 135 thousand of the 1.2 billion citizens of India have committed suicide in 2010. The report also said, the death rate from suicide increased from 2009 to 2010.

World Health Organization (WHO) also named India as a nation-41 sequence to which citizens often committed suicide.

Suicides in India is generally done by the farmers. Most perpetrators of suicide comes from the region of Maharashtra, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh.

Increased revenue growth in India makes Indian society also meningkat.Namun according to a study conducted by the British medical journal, economic improvement sometimes cause changes in behavior, which is quite serious.

"Tana Toraja"

Makale - Group of Baden-baden Und Rastatt, German tourists admit admiring the natural beauty owned Tana Toraja district.

"Its beautifull. We are very pleased to see the natural beauty of Tana Toraja. Sights like this are not we met in several cities that have been visited by a group of Baden-baden Und Rastatt Germany, "said a spokeswoman for the group Rastatt Baden-baden German Und, Tabea is also fluent in Indonesia after the officially accepted by the regency of Tana in the home office district City Makale, South Sulawesi, Thursday (27/10).

Tabea said, the natural conditions are similar to Tana Toraja area in Baden-baden, a district town in the area of ​​southern Germany. Are different, the climate Tana Toraja is superior because it is tropical and a bit warmer than the region.

Besides fascinated with nature Tana Toraja, Group of Rastatt Baden-baden German Und was also interested in the culture, customs and religious harmony in Tana Toraja. While in Tana Toraja, the group Rastatt Baden-baden Und already visited a number of attractions in Toraja.

"Tourists who come to Tana Toraja Toraja will feel at home in the midst of incredible natural beauty," says he is still a student at one university in Germany.

Head group Und Rastatt Baden-baden germany origin, Margarete Eges said Tana Toraja as an icon of tourism in South Sulawesi has a unique and beautiful nature and are not owned any other area. It's one tourist attraction to visit Tana Toraja. There have been many vacationers from Germany who came to Tana Toraja and is believed to be many more tourists from Germany who will visit Tana Toraja.

According to him, the district (regency) Tana Toraja need to change ways of thinking in the management of the tourism sector in the region. Local authorities do not have to chase the target a lot of tourists but provide the best service to tourists.

Exemplified, in Bostfana countries he has visited, the number of tourists who come there is not much but the standard of services provided by the government and the local community is very satisfying. This will make the tourists feel at home live longer and spend more money that will be enjoyed by local people.

"Tana Toraja is very beautiful and tourists will feel at home. The longer the tourists stay in Tana Toraja, the more money will they spend, "he said.

He hoped, Tana Toraja district government could establish cooperation between cities with the government in Baden-baden Germany. That way, there will be more of Germans who visit the Toraja. As well as bringing economic benefits to society Toraja, both sides can complement each other, "he said.

District Secretary (Sekkab) Tana Toraja said Tana Toraja regency still exploring the relationship of cooperation and bilateral relations (Sister City) in various fields including, tourism, social and community between the Tana Toraja regency and city of Baden-baden in Germany.

"We are still exploring cooperation with the city of Baden-baden in Germany is a positive step. But cooperation is a positive step, "he said. Joni hollow


CALIFORNIA - It seems that Hewlett Packard (HP) will resume its PC business to get into the market Ultrabook or PC devices with a thin model.

"Is a category of ultramobile notebook that has a thickness of between 17 millimeters. We are very focused to have a circuit in the ultramobile space and will soon present it to our customers," said Todd Bradley, HP executive vice president, Personal Systems Group.

HP (along with Dell) will be one PC maker will enter the market ultrabook by designing devices with a thickness of 0.8 inches and weighs under 3 pounds. It seems that HP's desire to enter the market ultrabook due to return to compete with Apple that has the MacBook Air.

"HP does not yet officially announced its intention to enter the market Ultrabook and yet have a product that stands out from Lenovo, Asus, Acer and Toshiba have released the laptop with the ultra-thin models," said Deron Kershaw, an analyst with GAP Intelligence, such as quoted by Cnet, Friday (28/10/2011).

"At present it is unclear whether HP will provide ultrabook device before the holidays this year and if so, whether the HP Pavilion will carry the name or Envy," he continued.

Windows 8 tablets is also one of the products scheduled by HP to be developed soon. Even HP's new CEO, Meg Whitman claims will focus on developing a tablet that uses the Windows platform 8.

"I think we need to get into the tablet business and we will definitely be there with Windows 8. We will make another run at this business," said HP CEO, Meg Whitman.

Wednesday 26 October 2011

PS 4? Will sony will evolve again?

TOKYO - Not to mention the production of finished completing the PlayStation 4, but Sony has been reported is developing games for the console.

As quoted from Cnet, Tuesday (25/10/2011), reported by news portal Development, that Sony is developing games for PlayStation consoles newest generation later.

Development also mentions that the game titles are being developed is still in very early stages.

This rumor comes after earlier reports that as 'confirmed' the presence of PS4 by the Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice President of Sony.

Even so, there has been no official announcement from Sony on games for the PS4.

The Pink Beach in the KOMODO ISLAND

KOMODO, rare animals of Indonesia are currently 'competing' to gain a place as one of New 7 Wonders of the World. The original habitat of Komodo dragons is on the island of Komodo, Flores Province, Indonesia.

Komodo has become a major attraction tourists visiting the island of Komodo. However, there are still other places worth visiting on the island.

This place is called Pink Beach. As the name suggests, the sand beach is not white like the beaches in general. Beach with sand-colored like this there are only seven around the world.

The sand of this beach pink, due to a mixture consisting of small pieces of coral, shells, and the calcium carbonate of marine invertebrates is very small, and also Foraminifera, microscopic amoeba that has a shell body red or bright pink.
The beach is still very quiet, no residential population around it so clean beach is still very awake. Being on the beach is like relaxing on the beach is private property, with sea water that is still clear blue color combined with pink sand.

In addition to relaxing you can also snorkel or diving in the waters of this beach. Park is no less beautiful coral reefs by coral reefs in Bunaken.

Currently no longer difficult to reach this location, because it is not far from the Komodo National Park to the beach then this can be via two paths, walking for four hours or if you want more quickly by boat from Loh Liang.

Khadafi has been buried

MISRATA - Only a few people present at the funeral of former Libyan ruler Moammar Khadafi. Khadafi reportedly in a secret place on Tuesday, the dawn of time.

Former ruler of Libya is also buried in an unmarked grave. Khadafi's nephew, Abdel Hamid Abdel Rahmad read the prayer before the corpse along with his son Mutassim Khadafi and former Libyan Defense Minister Abu Bakr Younis buried. Similarly, as reported by the Associated Press, Wednesday (10/26/2011).

Khadafi's nephew who attended the funeral was the son of her sister Khadafi was also detained while trying to flee from the city of Sirte.

A cleric also commanded to pray in the burial ceremony of the three bodies that have been wrapped in it. In addition to Khadafi's nephew, two sons of Abu Bakr also participated in the funeral ceremony.

Libya's transitional government also will not tell anyone about the existence of the tomb Khadafi because they fear the tomb would be destroyed or turned into a shrine to the Khadafi loyalists.

Previous bodies of Khadafi and his son are also stored in a cool room located in the shops in the city of Misrata. The public seemed to flock to see the bodies of Khadafi.

Khadafi is likely to slow burial is quite annoying for the people of Libya and the British Muslim was saying, a new image of the Government of Libya slightly tarnished due to violent death of Khadafi.

Tuesday 25 October 2011

Benefits Of Chocolate

Do not eat most chocolate, your teeth will broken, don't most eat chocolate or you becomes obese. That is the usual sentences that we hear when we eat too much chocolate.
In fact it turns out chocolate has health benefits for our body such as:

1. High Antioxidant
Chocolate contains flavanols, a type of flavonoids that act as anti-oxidants and help ward off free radicals in the body.

2. Lowering Blood Pressure
Dark chocolate from some of the results of research capable of lowering blood pressure in people who have high blood pressure.

3. Lowering LDL Cholesterol
Eating dark chocolate regularly have been shown to lower LDL cholesterol by 10 percent.

4. Natural Anti Depression
Chocolate contains serotonin, a natural anti-depressant. Chocolate also stimulates production of endorphins, which create a feeling of happiness and pleasure. In fact, from one study found that chocolate that melts in the mouth will produce pleasant feelings are much longer than passionate kissing. This may explain why many people would eat chocolate when they're depressed.

5. Cancer-fighting
Several studies have found chocolate to be one of the best foods to fight cancer with food such as red wine, blueberries, garlic, and tea. Two ways how chocolate works to fight cancer, the first is by inhibiting cell division and the second is to reduce inflammation.
6. Preventing Damage to Teeth
Studies have found that theobromine in chocolate can prevent tooth decay by eliminating streptococcus mutans, a bacterium found in the oral cavity that contribute to tooth decay.

7. Extend and Reduce Disease
The results of research in the Netherlands, followed 200 men over 20 years, found that those who consume large amounts of chocolate, both milk chocolate and dark chocolate, live longer and have lower overall levels of disease than men who ate chocolate less or not.
To strengthen these findings, Jeanne Louise Calment was one of the oldest, lived to age 122 recipes have a long life that she consumed 2.5 pounds of dark chocolate in a week.

8. High Magnesium
Cocoa contains higher magnesium compared to other crops. Magnesium is an essential mineral that helps in the process of regulation of the digestive system, nervous, and cardiovascular. Because of that many people who have a shortage of magnesium, add dark chocolate that is rich in magnesium to be able to improve overall body health.

9. Arterial Cleansing
Research has shown that antioxidants contained in cocoa can work like a broom that cleans plaque on artery walls.

10. Brain Health
Many studies have shown that dark chocolate is good for brain health. Researchers at Johns Hopkins University found that chocolate can protect brain cells from further damage in the event of a stroke. Dark chocolate has also been known to be able to improve the human brain memory. Researchers at the Salk Institute of California found that a chemical in cocoa called epicatechin able to enhance memory of rats.

khadafi's body started to rot

Moammar Gaddafi bodies have been stored in a refrigerator for four days in Misrata started to rot. Body guards and the People who want to see any need to use a mask so the stench of bodies That is not too piercing nose.

The bodies of Gaddafi, son Mo'assim, and commander of his army began to look blackened and discharge, as quoted by Reuters news agency on Monday, October 24, 2011.
Refrigerator owners have to put plastic under Their bodies Because the refrigerator was Unable to slow the rapid decay of the body.

Until now, there are still many Libyans WHO want to see the bodies of Gaddafi. However, Apparently some people still troubled by the death or not IMMEDIATELY dimakamkannya Gaddafi Gaddafi, in contrast with Islamic burial procedures, According to religion Gaddafi.

"God made ​​'pharaoh' as an example for the other. If Gaddafi is a good person, We would have buried him. But he chose his own fate like this," said Salem Shaka, one of the visitors.

Some allies of the anti-Gaddafi Their anxieties expressed about the treatment of Gaddafi's Libya after arrest and after his death. They also worry the new Libyan government does not respect human rights as Previously heralded.

Funeral Gaddafi plans disagreements until now still constrained the between factions within the rebel stronghold of the National Transitional Council forces. They still have not reached common ground on the which the Gaddafi Remains Will be buried.

Monday 24 October 2011

Borobudur Temple

Who does not know Borobudur?
Borobudur Temple is a Buddhist temple, Borobudur is situated in the village of Magelang regency, Central Java, Indonesia, was built by King Samaratungga, one of the kings of ancient Mataram Kingdom, Dynasty dynasty descendants.

This Buddhist temple has 1460 relief panels and 504 Buddha effigies in its complex. Millions of people are eager to visit this building as one of the World Wonder Heritages. It is not surprising since architecturally and functionally, as the place for Buddhists to say their prayer, Borobudur is attractive.

Borobudur was built by King Samaratungga, one of the kings of Old Mataram Kingdom, the descendant of Sailendra dynasty. Based on Kayumwungan inscription, an Indonesian named Hudaya Kandahjaya revealed that Borobudur was a place for praying that was completed to be built on 26 May 824, almost one hundred years from the time the construction was begun. The name of Borobudur, as some people say, means a mountain having terraces (budhara), while other says that Borobudur means monastery on the high place.

Borobudur is constructed as a ten-terraces building. The height before being renovated was 42 meters and 34.5 meters after the renovation because the lowest level was used as supporting base. The first six terraces are in square form, two upper terraces are in circular form, and on top of them is the terrace where Buddha statue is located facing westward. Each terrace symbolizes the stage of human life. In line with of Buddha Mahayana, anyone who intends to reach the level of Buddha's must go through each of those life stages.
The base of Borobudur, called Kamadhatu, symbolizes human being that are still bound by lust. The upper four stories are called Rupadhatu symbolizing human beings that have set themselves free from lust but are still bound to appearance and shape. On this terrace, Buddha effigies are placed in open space; while the other upper three terraces where Buddha effigies are confined in domes with wholes are called Arupadhatu, symbolizing human beings that have been free from lust, appearance and shape. The top part that is called Arupa symbolizes nirvana, where Buddha is residing.

Each terrace has beautiful relief panels showing how skillful the sculptors were. In order to understand the sequence of the stories on the relief panels, you have to walk clockwise from the entrance of the temple. The relief panels tell the legendary story of Ramayana. Besides, there are relief panels describing the condition of the society by that time; for example, relief of farmers' activity reflecting the advance of agriculture system and relief of sailing boat representing the advance of navigation in Bergotta (Semarang).

All relief panels in Borobudur temple reflect Buddha's teachings. For the reason, this temple functions as educating medium for those who want to learn Buddhism. YogYES suggests that you walk through each narrow passage in Borobudur in order for you to know the philosophy of Buddhism. Atisha, a Buddhist from India in the tenth century once visited this temple that was built 3 centuries before Angkor Wat in Cambodia and 4 centuries before the Grand Cathedrals in Europe.

Thanks to visiting Borobudur and having supply of Buddha teaching script from Serlingpa (King of Sriwijaya), Atisha was able to improve Buddha's teachings after his return to India and he built a religion institution, Vikramasila Buddhism. Later he became the leader of Vikramasila monastery and taught Tibetans of practicing Dharma. Six scripts from Serlingpa were then summarized as the core of the teaching called "The Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment" or well known as Bodhipathapradipa.

A question about Borobudur that is still unanswered by far is how the condition around the temple was at the beginning of its foundation and why at the time of it's finding the temple was buried. Some hypotheses claim that Borobudur in its initial foundation was surrounded by swamps and it was buried because of Merapi explosion. It was based on Kalkutta inscription with the writing 'Amawa' that means sea of milk. The Sanskrit word was used to describe the occurrence of disaster. The sea of milk was then translated into Merapi lava. Some others say that Borobudur was buried by cold lava of Merapi Mountain.

With the existing greatness and mystery, it makes sense if many people put Borobudur in their agenda as a place worth visiting in their lives. Besides enjoying the temple, you may take a walk around the surrounding villages such as Karanganyar and Wanurejo. You can also get to the top of Kendil stone where you can enjoy Borobudur and the surrounding scenery. Please visit Borobudur temple right away...

Sunday 23 October 2011

Turkey 7.2 magnitude quake

Today's massive earthquake struck southeastern Turkey. Measuring 7.2 on the Richter Scale, the authorities estimate the earthquake that killed up to one thousand people and it is feared the toll could rise because many buildings collapsed.

According to news agency Reuters, the region worst hit by the earthquake is the city of Van and several surrounding districts, who were on the edge of Lake Van. The area is near the border with Turkey - Iran.

"We expect about 1,000 buildings were damaged and an estimated hundreds of people died. The amount can be 500 or 1,000 lives," the official said the monitoring center Kandili Observatory, Mustafa Erdik.

Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan direct review after the earthquake-stricken city of Van. The government is expected to hold an emergency meeting next Monday to discuss the situation in Van and the development of emergency evacuation and recovery.

"Many buildings collapsed, many people were killed, but we do not know the exact amount. We're waiting for emergency care and the situation is very urgent," said Zulfukar Arapoglu, peas mayor told news station NTV.

Local residents reported experiencing more than 20 aftershocks. Besides rescue workers are still struggling to find and remove people trapped in collapsed buildings.

Marco Simoncelli died in Sepang Circuit

Rider Marco Simoncelli died in a terrible accident in the Series MotoGP Sepang Circuit, Malaysia, Sunday, October 23, 2011.

As reported by Reuters, Honda Gresini rider was dropped when it collided hard with Alvaro Bautista to fight to the fourth position.

Simoncelli is nicknamed Super Sic was losing control on bends 11 and immediately crashes. Conflicts ensued with Tech 3 Yamaha rider Colin Edwards, Valentino Rossi and Ducati rider. However, Rossi managed to avoid a collision.

Race committee immediately raise a red flag stopped the race mark. In fact, After a while they officially cancel the event on the grounds that the medical team is still focusing handle Simoncelli.

The Prince is Dead, King Must Decide Successor

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was hit by grief. Saudi Arabia's crown prince, Sultan bin Abdul Aziz Pangerang died Saturday morning (22/10) morning Indonesian time.

Prince Sultan died at the age of 85 years. He is the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's Defense Minister.

Prince Sultan died while visiting the United States to conduct a series of medical tests. Earlier, Prince Sultan underwent surgery in New York in 2009 but never published.

Prince Sultan is the younger brother of the King of Saudi Arabia, Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz. He often received the mandate to govern the Arab Aaudi during his brother underwent spinal surgery in the United States.

Meanwhile, in Riyadh, Prince Sultan developing replacement information is Prince Nayef who now serves as Minister of the Interior. De facto, Prince Nayef is now leading the government of Saudi Arabia before there was a special mandate from King Abdullah.

However, the source of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia would not comment related to leadership succession of the kingdom. Royal Family still seems to be in an atmosphere of grief and focus on the repatriation of the bodies Prince Sultan is still in the U.S..

So far, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is preparing a funeral procession for the late crown prince Sultan bin Abdul Aziz.

Saturday 22 October 2011

Komodo Island, INDONESIA

Komodo Island is the New 7 Wonders of the World is keyword SEO contest organized by Seo contest is to support the Island of Komodo into New 7 Wonders of the World. Of course you should support this seo contest.. let's make the island of Komodo as a new 7 wonders of the world.

Komodo Island is The real New wonder of the world
1.  The Komodo National Park.
Komodo Island is the New 7 Wonders of the World is a very precise keyword. This of course strongly support the promotion of The Komodo National Park. how exactly the Komodo National Park? this review. The Komodo National Park is a national park in Indonesia located within the Lesser Sunda Islands in the border region between the provinces of East Nusa Tenggara and West Nusa Tenggara. The park includes the three larger islands Komodo, Padar and Rincah, and 26 smaller ones,with a total area of 1,733 km² (603 km² of it land).  In 1991 the national park was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site.The park comprises a coastal section of western Flores, the three larger islands of Komodo. (

2. Komodo Island (The Dream New Island )
Komodo Island is the New 7 Wonders of the World is interesting because keywords can directly promote the Komodo Island. then where is the island that the Komodo dragon? like what?. Komodo Island is an island located in the Nusa Tenggara Islands. Komodo Island is known as a habitat for native animals dragons. This island is also the Komodo National Park which is managed by the Central Government. Komodo Island to the west of Sumbawa Island, separated by Sape Strait. Komodo is part of the Lesser Sunda chain of islands and forms part of the Komodo National Park. Particularly notable here is the native Komodo dragon. In addition, the island is a popular destination for diving. Administratively, it is part of the East Nusa Tenggara province. The island is famous not only for its heritage of convicts but also for the unique fauna which roam it. The Komodo dragon, the world's largest living lizard, takes its name from the island. The real new wonders.

3. Komodo Dragons
Komodo Island is the New 7 Wonders of the World to be so precise when he heard the beast dragons. rare animals. ancient animal. like what? refer to the following reviews. Komodo dragon, or a full-called Komodo dragons are the world’s largest lizardspecies that live on the island of Komodo, Rinca, Flores, Gili Motang, and GiliDasami in Nusa Tenggara. This iguana by the natives of Komodo island is alsocalled by local names ora.

Komodo Island is the NEW 7 Wonders of The World Now, we must support for Komodo Island. Support Island Indonesia, can world know what give for world.

Support for SEO contest Komodo Island is the NEW 7 Wonders of The World.

Gaddafi's body Entered Into Refrigerator

MISRATA - The bodies of former Libyan leader Moammar Gaddafi's the bloodied put in the refrigerator is in the shopping center. Libyans was outside the shopping center to see the bodies of Gaddafi.

Temporary storage of the corpse Gaddafi showed a flurry of experienced officials of the National Transitional Council (NTC) or even the international community for the death of Gaddafi. The United Nations even require the investigation of the death of the former Libyan leader.

Gaddafi's funeral should be held on Friday with Islamic tradition, but Information Minister Mahmoud Shammam NTC said the current NTC officials were debating in order to determine the burial place of Gaddafi. Similarly, as reported by the Associated Press on Saturday (22/10/2011).

The correspondent of the Associated Press also saw the bodies of Gaddafi is in a shopping center in the city of Misrata it. Gaddafi appears wearing brown pants, no shirt. Residents also want to see the bodies lined up and photographed Gaddafi.

NTC commander of Misrata said Ali Bashir, Gaddafi will be buried in a secret place to avoid revenge attacks.

"Gaddafi has tortured many people and many Libyans wanted to find his body. We must ensure, Gaddafi will not be found the tomb of the citizens," Bashir said.

Former ruler of Libya that this 69-year-old died in his hometown of Sirte. Gaddafi was arrested in a state of life, and judged by NTC troops, at the time was she was shot dead.

Appeared two videos that document the arrest Gaddafi, the first being when he was arrested and a second show when Gaddafi was killed and fell on the ground

The Exquisite Space Pics: A Skywatcher Captures the Cosmos Blowing a Beautiful Gas Bubble

Robert Bigelow is not a small name in the space world. His company Bigelow Aerospace is a pioneer of inflatable spacecraft, and the company has made waves with its plans for an inflatable, orbiting space hotel (not coincidentally, Bigelow's fortunes come from his ownership of the Budget Suites motel chain). So when he says something about the future of space travel, we listen. On the other hand, when he says that China is planning to take over the moon circa 2025, we listen, but with skepticism.
At the International Symposium for Personal and Commercial Spaceflight, Bigelow laid out a timeline of a wild-west-style Chinese takeover of the moon, calling China "the new gunslinger in Dodge." Bigelow's timeline notes China's increasing success in space projects, up to and including last month's launch of the Tiangong Space Station module. He further declares that the moon's abundance in helium-3, a possible future fuel, but more importantly that "claiming" the moon would be a major glory moment for China. The timeline suggests that China will complete surveys of the moon, withdraw from the Outer Space Treaty of 1967 and formally claim the moon as part of China. Bigelow even suggested diverting 10 percent of the defense budget--some $60 billion--to preventing this moon theft.

So, we are skeptical. For lots of reasons. First, there's no evidence that China has any designs on such a plan, which of course they couldn't execute anytime soon, because their space technology is years, possibly decades, behind Russia's and the European Space Agency's. (Behind us, too, but we've sort of taken ourselves out of that game.) For another thing, there's no guarantee that the moon's raw materials will actually be of any use for energy here on Earth. MSNBC contacted an expert, Dean Cheng of the "conservative-leaning Heritage Foundation," who said anything "inflammatory" like claiming possession of the moon is "not likely." And Bigelow may be a private space agency pioneer and a damn fine budget hotelier, but the guy does not exactly have a background in international relations.

UB40 The Legend of Reggae was Gone Bust

BIRMINGHAM - Four members of the reggae veterans UB40 are left, namely Brian Travers, Jimmy Brown, Terence Oswald, and Norman Hassan declared bankrupt by the Court of Birmingham.

The bankruptcy of a band that stood in 1978 was due to the failure of the record company and management company DEP International. Also disagreement about the financial condition of the band, forcing vocalist Ali Campbell resigned from the band in 2008.

The court gave a one-year deadline for UB40 to repay the debt in order to avoid confiscation of property assets from the tax man.

Earlier, Campbell had warned his colleagues about the financial disaster that will shake up their band.

"The reason why I left a very strong band. Something like this was my biggest fear at the time with them. Do not say I did not warn them," said Campbell, who told the NME, Tuesday (10/18/2011).

UB40 came from Birmingham, England, formed by Ali Campbell and Brian Travers. UB40 The name itself comes from formulis for people tunakarya, Unemployment Benefit Form 40.

Their first concert was held on February 9, 1979 at The Hare & Hounds pub, Kings Heath, Birmingham in celebration of the anniversary of one of their friends.

UB40 rose to fame when didapuk opening band The Pretenders. Best-selling debut single until they are accepted in many parts of the world is now owned by Elvis Presley sang the song titled (I Can not Help) Falling In Love With You that became Ost film Sliver. The song managed to perch on one position in Europe and the U.S..

Another song that is not less popular is Red Red Wine and I Got You Baby. Until now, they've collected 17 studio albums, 13 compilation albums, six live albums, and 2 remix album.

Friday 21 October 2011

Sambagi Magic Mountain Lodge

Do you WANT to feel different sensations stay like being in the wild? Sambagi Magic Mountain Lodge.

Lodging is hidden behind a shape that resembles a mountain to make the Magic Mountain Lodge does not seem like an inn from a distance. Upon closer look, then appears the windows of small-sized room.

This wonderful inn located in Lyngseidet, Norway and built by local artists using natural materials with eco-tourism campaign purposes.

Interestingly, the top of the inn there is running like a waterfall rolling down the side of the hotel which is covered thick potato plants. This is the place where you can spend the night and become a part of nature.

It is quoted Holidaychic.

the naturaly concept not only visible on the outside. On the inside too, visible through its walls are covered with wood. There is also a bar hotel decor and furnishings dominated by wood, such as benches and stairs.

For those of you who like reading there is a reading room, while for those wishing to pamper the body may go to sauna facilities.

Do not forget to get your child to Rincon Magico, or Magic Corner, a beautiful tree house where they can get about the nature of learning and practicing to make crafts using recycled materials.

Variety of activities for families are also part of the accommodation facilities, including a walk watching the animals, like deer, monkeys, woodpeckers and owls. In addition, you can also surround the hotel area using horses, hiking, or explore the lake by boat.

Bob Marley of the Indonesia

Relax and populist. That reggae flow on her body. His name is familiar. For the layman or the origin of Jamaica music lovers this. Q Tony, the man who is reluctant to mention the real name of this so eloquently sang his songs.

Aku anak kampung
Mencoba hidup di kota
Mencari harapan sinar terang kehidupan
Karena lahan-lahan di kampung mulai menghilang
Digantikan bangunan entah milik siapa
(Song Tony Q)

Most of the lyrics Tony Q tells about the social conditions in the community. For him only with the work he is able to contribute something to the nation.

"Because maybe with more work we can give discourses on the younger siblings, learning-learning through song. There is an embrace of reggae as a musical concept. If I embrace
reggae is the concept of life. There was a struggle that means life is to be fought. Maybe reggae considered as representative of a musical genre wrote. "

Calling in life
Reggae is his vocation. For this dreadlocked man was willing to leave his job as a well-established Quality Control in a canning factory owned by a Singaporean company.

Choosing to live on the streets and leave the establishment which has not an easy thing. For the choice of his life that he had to deal with family insults his wife's family also. But does not dream of life worth fighting?

"I do long to be singers, 5-6 years on the streets, in Block M. The moment I decided I never actually ngamen good work. Materially many people regretted working out why, really stupid. Even so buskers. And it may make parents are very embarrassing, but it's a calling, that is no longer an option but a call. That is when I started out in the street music I feel that life is semeleh. I do not think I'll be famous or not famous, but I did something to my heart also happy to do it. "
Seven years with the band that made his name Rastafara, the 2000 Tony Q decided to make a solo album, shaded by a company without any music. Name Rastafara still behind its name because people already identified himself with the group from this reggae singer.

"I'm not used to playing blues, rock, country music all macem. Continue to '89 I was interested in reggae as it may first there is a transition saturation does happen to make music and reggae music in a relaxed and I just happened to be able to bring in a musical game. Joined the Rastafara years 1993 and disbanded in 2000. From there I made a solo Tony Q Rastafara because people are identical with it. The dissolution due to a classic problem. Reggae did not sell he said. "

Folk music
Folk music of his name, I wonder if the current democratic party was the inspiration to make the album. The man who idolized Bob Marley makes Musick who could provide to the public discourse, especially music lovers.

"The album is dedicated to the public, especially fans of reggae as a discourse in order to know just addressing political conditions. It's political discourse and awareness-awareness to do something better. The concentration of the presidential election. Many people who want to be president of the people who continue to be so. "

Brown-bodied men are convinced that the musical is selected as the choice of his life can not be separated from community life. Therefore he felt he had poured his songs contained in it.

"Because maybe with more work we can give discourses on the younger siblings, learning-learning through song. There is an embrace of reggae as a musical concept that I embrace
reggae is the concept of life. There was a struggle that means life is to be fought. Maybe reggae considered as representative of a musical genre wrote. "

Playing music, playing character or a player theater, becoming a teacher or whatever life choices selected by each man was leaving a big responsibility. Not only for ourselves but for others.

And only you and me who have chosen that path, which is able to prove to everyone that we are happy with the way we choose.

"Reggae is my life. From '89 means I have 20 years of playing reggae music. That was already panggilanlah. I do not feel compelled to play the music and I am also not a lot of demands, ga wah later behavior or behavior. Well it's seneng wrote. "

Dare to choose the path of life is also an option. Get up, stand up and believe that the path we choose is true, as Bob Marley.

PSP re-evolve again

The New PSP???

San Francisco (CNN) -- Sony plans to release the PlayStation Vita, a portable video game player, on February 22, 2012, in the United States, Canada and Europe, the company announced at a technology conference on Tuesday.
The Vita will succeed the PlayStation Portable, or PSP, and PlayStation Go, a smaller version of the hand-held device. The Vita has a touchscreen and a touch-sensitive pad on the back of the device, along with the buttons and control sticks gamers expect to see on controllers.
Sony Computer Entertainment CEO Jack Tretton and a Sony spokesman demonstrated a sequel to a popular PlayStation 3 game called "Uncharted: Golden Abyss." Players can use the standard controller or manipulate the character using touch controls, as the spokesman showed onstage at the Web 2.0 Summit. The game looks very attractive -- but when shown on the big screen, not as sharp as a console game.
Sony previously announced pricing for the Vita, with a version that connects to the Web via Wi-Fi costing $250 and another that has 3G wireless data connectivity for $300.
Nintendo made deep price cuts to its portable 3DS system just five months after a strong launch when sales began to slow.

Analysts expect Sony will struggle to sell consumers a dedicated hand-held game machine now that smartphones and tablets have become powerful enough to handle powerful games.
"The advent of smartphone gaming is quite additive to what we're trying to accomplish," Tretton said. People may look to the Vita when they want to graduate from more simplistic games sold on phones, he said.
The Vita will first hit stores on December 17 in Japan, where Sony's portable systems have fared better...

Chronology of death Khadafi

Sirte - Former Libyan leader Moammar Gaddafi has reportedly died in his hometown of Sirte by the attack of the troops of the National Transition Council (NTC).
Here is a chronology of events of the fall of Gaddafi from the Associated Press, Thursday (20/10/2011).

At 16:44
The NTC said the troops, Gaddafi is in hiding, along with the troops in the city of Sirte loyalisnya. Gaddafi's entourage while trying to flee from the attack, but the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) successfully bombarded. Until now, the place where Gaddafi was killed is not yet clear, whether he was killed in hiding or on the outside.

At 16:36
NTC reported the death of Khadafi to the United States (U.S.) before Prime Minister Mahmoud Jibril NTC announce it.

At 16:20
Gaddafi declared dead.

At 16:13
U.S. officials emngatakan, Moammar Gaddafi reportedly killed.

At 16:02
Television station Al Jazeera released footage which hang down Khadafi on the ground, wounded, and trampled under foot. Gaddafi looked torn clothing.

At 15:58
The White House did not comment much about the development situation in Libya. However, Senator John McCain said, this is the final phase of the Libyan Revolution. McCain also added that U.S. and NATO will continue dukugnannya to Libya.

At 15:50
Tomorrow, the NTC will celebrate two months of occupation in Tripoli and Gaddafi's departure from the capital city of Libya. Some news also emerged about the existence of Gaddafi. Gaddafi reportedly was at the border of Niger and Algeria, but others say he was currently in the basement in Tripoli.

At 15:44
NTC officials held a press conference in Tripoli konfernsi with Prime Minister Mahmoud Jibril NTC.

At 15:32
Warnings held on the streets of Tripoli and the locals arrest or assassination campaign against Gaddafi. NTC summoned journalists to hold a press conference.

At 15:04
In Sirte, the NTC forces fought to take over the city from the grip of forces Gaddafi loyalists. The war was over.

At 14:54
NTC spokesman said, Gaddafi may be captured or killed when Sirte fell into the hands of the NTC.

At 14:44
NATO reported, they've hit the entourage Gaddafi who tried to escape from Sirte. NTC also said they have arrested Gaddafi.

At 14:14
White House monitoring developments relating to the news caught and killed Gaddafi. But they can not comment much. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Wednesday said he hoped Gaddafi just captured or dead.

At 14:09
NTC officials and NATO do not preach about being caught or killing Gaddafi.

At 12:36
Gaddafi troops found many uniforms scattered on the streets. The NTC troops climbed traffic lights and kiss the flag of revolution.

At 11:35
Sirte was taken over by the NTC. The troops seemed to be beating NTC Gaddafi loyalist troops in the back of a truck.

At 11:05
In Sirte, the army was checking the entire housing NTC to track the whereabouts of Gaddafi.

Wednesday 19 October 2011

Indonesia in the international robotics

Jakarta, 13 April 2011
Indonesia back Student achievement in international robot contest. The winners are entitled to a full scholarship from the Ministry of National Education.

National Education Minister M Nuh sure, this achievement could make Indonesia as an icon intelligent robot maker in the world. In addition to a full scholarship until graduation, Noah opened the opportunity for the winners to continue their education to a higher level. "The winner in exchange for support and encouragement, we give scholarships S2," promised Noah.

Competition "Trinity College Fire-Fighting Robot Contest" held at the Hartford United States 9 to 10 April 2011. The contest is followed by seven countries, namely Indonesia, America, China, Portugal, Israel, Canada and Mexico. Participants dai Indonesia, netted from regional and national competitions. The team from the Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB) and University of Gadjah Mada (UGM) to make robots that can later be developed for various purposes, one robot fire (Fire Fighting Home Robot Contest).

ITB team represented Ashlih Dameitry, Syawaludin Rachmatullah, Samratul Fuady and Dody Suhendra. They include two-legged robot named Yaqut (heavenly nymph) and ZARQUN (precious stones). They managed to outperform competitor from Portugal and won in the category I and II Walking Division.

Meanwhile, the team was represented by Farid Inawan UGM, Noer Aziz Ismail, Rev. Luis Wijayanto and Rizki Ramelan. They include two wheeled robot named KOPLAX and IRON FIRE. They also make rival China to its knees and won the category I and II in the Senior Division.

In addition to the robot team sent by the Directorate General of Higher Education, University Computer Indonesia (UNIKOM) Bandung is also sending three robots in all three categories robowaiter and get champion. In this category of robot servants, who competed is the ability to help people with disabilities, bringing a plate of food without falling and without bumping into people who assisted.

Like a music? Musician?

Are you musician?
Have a hobby of music is not complete it if you have not been able to play a musical instrument such as the famous guitar that can be used as accompaniment friends all kinds of songs in the whole world and the hereafter. Initially learned to play guitar is difficult and sometimes stressful, people who study it.

To learn bass guitar you should learn first, karea people who can play bass guitar playing automatically, but if you can not automatically be playing bass guitar. Key tone on bass guitar and not much different on the guitar, so it's good if you learn the basic key guitar first. Also you can save money, because they do not need to buy a bass, but hollow guitars are cheap enough is enough.

To play the guitar you should be prepared to feel a little pain in your left fingertips, it will be used to press the strings to make chords formations. Sometimes have to make us become calloused fingertips and flex both fingers on the left or right hand. To get something you really have to sacrifice something, it is the laws of chemistry and economics are natural and normal.

If you plan for the course you should not take the course before mastering the basic techniques tempo songs, the basic key gonjreng guitar and shuffle on the guitar. If you have not mastered it you will only prolong the duration of the course you are going to spend money.

To save money you can learn on friends, relatives or neighbors who you know well and can barmain guitar. If no one could play the guitar then you must learn to learn on their own self-taught alias.

Required to learn basic guitar alone:
- Guitar whatever may be hollow and electricity were
- A book or magazine that the songs are key guitar chords along with the instructions
- Cassette, CD or MP3 songs in the song book
- The ability of stem or tuning guitar

To start training you must tune your guitar first so that the sound guitar 6 strings can be harmonious and appropriate. Distem If not then you will not be able to learn, because her voice might not fit. To stem the guitar you can get someone else or the stem itself by instinct. To stem the problem guitar you can find a guide book to play guitar at the bookstore.

If you want the stem itself, then the way is to equate the 5th fret of a string with a single string on a fret level below 0. Except on the third string of the balls down distem on the 4th fret with fret 0 in the second string from bottom. You must use your filing if the sound of a fret to fret under it was the same voice. If not the same as a drive voltage control at the end of the guitar strings to fit.

If it is OK, then the next you just try gonjreng the standard lock your fingers until you get used to the position of each key. Then try to open a book of songs that are key guitar, and then try to follow the change of key to lock the tempo according to the original as much as possible based on your filing.

If you can then you can try to play together with sound tapes or actual song. But the condition is steman on your guitar in accordance with existing steman on cassette and key songs in the book or magazine is also true that in accordance with the cassette and your guitar.

If you are already somewhat smoothly you can move on to the course or the innovation itself learned other things from the book mapun your acquaintance. If you've mastered you can form your own band together with others who can play other musical instruments. Happy studying and good luck.

No!!! Over 700 People Killed by Flood Southeast Asia

GENEVA - More than 700 people are confirmed dead from floods that hit Southeast Asia. Eight million are also affected by the disaster.

Looking at the severe conditions that hit several countries hit by flooding of the United Nations (UN) is ready to distribute aid to flood victims.

"The UN is ready to provide assistance," said a spokesman for the UN agency in charge of humanitarian aid (UNHCR) Elisabeth Byrs told AFP on Wednesday (19/10/2011).

Floods alone affect countries such as Thailand, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam. Stagnant water is high enough to cut land routes and destroying homes and farmland.

Byrs warned water levels will rise in Thailand today. This condition can threaten the antidote to the flood wall in Bangkok.

While the danger of landslides is also implemented in four provinces in southern Thailand.
Laos also became one of the countries affected by floods. 892 homes flooded and 2,500 cattle swept away by floodwaters. While according to the Byrds, Cambodia and Vietnam experiencing interference with the access road.

The death toll in Cambodia reportedly quite high, so far nearly 200 people killed by floods in Cambodia. While the death toll in Vietnam reportedly reached 77 people.

Tuesday 18 October 2011

WHITE CRATER (Kawah Putih)

White crater is located in the southern city of Bandung, within 46 miles or 2.5 hours from Bandung.from the gate gone deep into the crater located about 5 km or can be taken approximately 20 minutes. Through the paved roads winding with a view of natural forests with various species of plants. White crater is located in a mountain called Mount Patuha.Dahulu time ago, people considered this crater is haunted areas because many birds die instantly through this crater.

Then denied this belief, when in 1837 a Dutch scientist Dr German. Franz Wilhelm Junghun who is also a Dutch planters who love nature conservation do some research and found that the awesomeness was not caused by the lava bursts of sulfur that smells very menyengat. When the discovery of the fact that people were not interested in making this place as a tourist attraction. Only after PT Perhutani developed in 1987, a white crater area made into a tourist attraction in West Java. The water in the crater of this mountain than the water colors are bright and well always changed. This is what eventually became the main attraction. crater surface is generally rocky and sandy white color,

so that the crater was later known as the white crater. Some researchers say that Patuha still active, so found some craters that are still turbulent jets. Also found near this place a 5-meter deep cave once used as a sulfur mine. I wonder if some steamy crater tiba2 lot, and visitors found cougheds due to inhaling air that smelled of sulfur is very sharp.
The beauty of White crater lake, is very enchanting and amazing. Plus very cool temperatures throughout the day (temperature around 8-22 degrees Celsius). Perhaps because of this crater is located on a mountain that has a height of approximately 2.434m above sea level. In fact, if you already know the wonders of nature, would say nothing as beautiful as White crater craters. Because of its natural beauty, is often used as a place Crater White Photo prawedding (very much), filming movies and soap operas. Even today in Bandung and surrounding citys also,
if anyone want prawedding photo, white crater will always be the primary choice. The beauty of white crater is expressed by the words very difficult. Come and enjoy yourself. Guaranteed you would be amazed. There are even some articles about the white crater I have ever read on the internet, it presupposes the beauty of the white crater "As Heaven is scattered" [Fabulous yes ..!!].
On the way to the crater, we will pass the object of interest such as old railroad tracks, fields of yellow, green tea gardens and pine forests and wide. In keeping with the white crater path you can go on to the lake Patengan or camping to Ranca Upas, which is also the breeding of deer, or swim in the pool airpanas ciwalini. Ciwidey road from the highway to the parking area near the crater, was slightly damaged, but it did not dampen White crater intention visitors to come there. From day to day berjubeldan visitors continue to multiply. Perhaps because enjoying the trip, that day not feel it was night, never fear, here are many hotels available that you can rent to stay. Going home from the crater or white do not forget to stop at strawberry plantations in the region there you can pick your own fruit tuk to take home.

Curious is not it?? hence, when she was visiting Bandung, set your time and try to stop by the White crater. Guaranteed to be a satisfactory way.


cigarettes have a content which is harmful to our bodies :

Nicotine is a powerful insecticide and poisonous for the nervous systems. Furthermore, there is enough (50 mg) in four cigarettes to kill a man in just a few minutes if it were injected directly into the bloodstream. Indeed, fatalities have occurred with children after they had swallowed cigarettes or cigarette butts. When diluted in smoke, nicotine reaches the brain in just seven seconds, it stimulates the brain cells and then blocks the nervous impulse. This is where addiction to tobacco arises. Nicotine also causes accelerated heart rate, but at the same time it leads to contracting and hardening of the arteries: the heart pumps more but receives less blood. The result is twice as many coronary attacks. Nicotine thus also increases the consumption of lipids (which is why it has a weight-loss effect) and induces temporary hyperglycaemia (hence the appetite suppressing effect).

Carbon monoxide (CO)
This is the asphyxiating gas produced by cars, which makes up 1.5% of exhaust fumes. But smokers inhaling cigarette smoke breathe in 3.2% carbon monoxide – and directly from the source. Oxygen is mostly transported in blood by haemoglobin. When we smoke, however, the carbon monoxide attaches itself to the haemoglobin 203 times more quickly than oxygen does, thereby displacing the oxygen; this in turn asphyxiates the organism. This causes the following cardiovascular complaints: narrowing of the arteries, blood clots, arteritis, gangrene, heart attack, etc. . . . but also a loss of reflexes and visual and mental problems. It takes between six and 24 hours for the carbon monoxide to leave the blood system.

These substances paralyse and then destroy the cilia of the bronchial tubes, responsible for filtering and cleaning the lungs. They slow down respiratory output and irritate the mucus membranes, causing coughs, infections and chronic bronchitis.

As the cilia are blocked (see paragraph above), the tars in the cigarette smoke are deposited and collect on the walls of the respiratory tract and the lungs, and cause them to turn black. So, just because a smoker is not coughing, it doesn't mean that he or she is healthy! And this fact merely serves to pour water on one of the most common and poorest excuses given by smokers. The carcinogenic action of the tars is well known: they are responsible for 95% of lung cancers. It takes two days at least after cessation of smoking for the cilia to start functioning properly again, albeit only gradually. By smoking one packet of cigarettes every day, a smoker is pouring a cupful of these tars into his or her lungs every year (225 grams on average)!

Chemistry of Tobacco Smoke 
No less than 4000 irritating, suffocating, dissolving, inflammable, toxic, poisonous, carcinogenic gases and substances and even radioactive compounds (nickel, polonium, plutonium, etc.) have been identified in tobacco smoke. Some of these are listed hereafter: Benzopyrene, dibenzopyrene, benzene, isoprene, toluene (hydorcarbons); naphthylamines; nickel, polonium, plutonium, arsenic, cadmium (metallic constituents); carbon dioxide, methane, ammonia, nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide, hydrogen sulphide (gases); methyl alcohol, éthanol, glycerol or glycerine, glycol (alcohols and esters); acetaldehyde, acrolein, acetone (aldehydes and ketones); cyanhydric or prussic acid, carboxyl derivatives (acids); chrysene, pyrrolidine, nicoteine, nicotinine, nicoteline, nornicotine, nitrosamines (alkaloids or bases); cresol (phenols), etc. 


long wait finally DOTA 2 was released in INDONESIA!

Finally, after so much speculation and rumors, DotA 2 is now officially published! As mentioned informant Game, the game will be released next year on both PC and Mac platforms.

Looking back a bit, IceFrog (DotA current developers map in Warcraft III) is hired by Valve in 2009. Since then, many people began to wonder what game they're doing. And as the curtain revealed, it seems they will bring into full game dota map based on Valve's Source engine. That means many of the limitations of the game in the Warcraft III appointed. And with that, some new features were also introduced on Dota 2.
Let's look together!

In-Game Voice Chat
Ventrilo is no longer necessary. Communication is an important factor in the type of team work and sometimes not an option because our hands are full with controlling Hero. The DotA 2 will cover it and have integrated voice chat feature that will allow you to communicate during the game, it's easy right?

Leaver AI Replacement
The Features is a very AWESOME! You will have less skill problems. Heroes of players coming out will be automatically taken over by the bot AI. However, do not get too excited and you decide to play in single-player game. Erik Johnson (Project Leader) said, "Our goal with the AI ​​just that the experience they are not destroyed just because one person can not finish the game."

Cool Heroes Voice
The current DotA map is using the Warcraft III sound set of the which originally created for the Warcraft III campaign, not for DotA. The DotA Heroes 2 Will have the voice fit properly with the game. Amusing lines coming out from heroes Pls Will you deny the enemy team last hits on creeps. Heroes have related stories WHO Will trade quips Pls nearby. Maybe you Will see Lina Inverse and Rylai teasing each other: p

Matchmaking System
Valve uses a traditional Steamworks for game based on the skills that will let you play comfortably.

In-Game Rewards
Valve offered to you because of the participation of all of you.

Coaching System
Veteran players will be able to login as a coach and teach the beginner. Coaches can see the screen can get a beginner and a private voice chat during games. Still no words about how the instructor and participants will be matched.
Wow, a lot of funny things in there. I hope Valve can meet our expectations. But I'm pretty disappointed with the fact that there are no screenshots of the game itself: (But hey, why ruin the surprise Tell us what you think about Dota 2 on the comments box?)
See You...

Sunday 16 October 2011

Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 (PES 2012)

who does not know Pro Evolution Soccer (PES)?

Pro Evolution Soccer makes its return this fall, Pro Evolution Soccer 2012! This year, Konami is determined to give global football fans a truly realistic, immersive and a delightfully playable take on the beautiful game. Creative Producer Shingo "Seabass" Takatsuka has been sourcing the desires of fans across the globe and working non-stop on marrying the digital game to the real life game so fans can get as close to the real thing. All elements have been examined - defense, offense, AI, penalties, officiating and of course, graphics! The result is a game truly represents the key attributes of the game and it's players. Pro Evolution Soccer… "Can you play?"

Teammate AI has become more true to life on defense and offense - Your team plays more cohesively
New Off-the-ball-controls - Take even more control in dead-ball situations to manage your team strategy
Zonal marking and positional defending are massively enhanced - Players are forced to work harder to split defenders
Collision detection is overhauled - The physicality of top-level soccer is captured
Graphics are updated again -Movements, facial representations and pitches have built upon last year's massive improvements

PES 2012's gameplay is primarily a refinement of PES 2011, with fewer big changes than the previous iteration but many smaller improvements and changes in areas such as artificial intellingence, speed, animation, and physics.
Among the new features is the Teammate Control system, where a secondary player may be controlled, either during play, or at a set piece or throw-in. This allows players to be placed precisely, make runs, and shake off markers before calling for the ball. Manual and assisted versions of the feature are available for varying degrees of difficulty and control.
Refereeing has been improved and includes a full implementation of the advantage rule, with the referee pulling back play for bookings after the ball goes out of play. The "catch-up bug", where defenders would catch dribbling attackers too easily, regardless of the attacker's pace, will be addressed.Gameplay is more fluid, with better response when controlling the ball, and goalkeepers have been improved with new animations and generally more reliable goalkeeping performances.

Artificial intelligence has been improved over previous PES games, for example AI players will play more thoughtfully when defending rather than simply applying pressure, and AI teammates will make more intelligent movement decisions.

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