Baduy/Badui are an indigenous group in the Sunda region Lebak, Banten. they are one of the tribes that apply isolated from the outside world. In addition they also have the confidence taboo to be photographed.
Baduy tribe region is geographically located at coordinates 6 ° 27'27 "- 6 ° 30'0" latitude and 108 ° 3'9 "- 106 ° 4'55" East. They live right at the foot of the mountains in the village Kendeng Kanekes, District Leuwidamar, Lebak-Rangkasbitung, Banten, is about 40 km from the city Rangkasbitung.
There are 2 Baduy tribes, that is Baduy Inner and Outer Baduy.
Baduy tribe region is geographically located at coordinates 6 ° 27'27 "- 6 ° 30'0" latitude and 108 ° 3'9 "- 106 ° 4'55" East. They live right at the foot of the mountains in the village Kendeng Kanekes, District Leuwidamar, Lebak-Rangkasbitung, Banten, is about 40 km from the city Rangkasbitung.
There are 2 Baduy tribes, that is Baduy Inner and Outer Baduy.
Inner Baduy
- Not allowed to use vehicles to transport
- Not allowed to use footwear
- The door should be facing north / south (except the chairman's house Pu'un)
- Prohibition of use of electronic tools (technology)
- Using a colored cloth black / white as the garment is woven and stitched themselves and are not allowed to use modern clothing.
Outer Baduy
Outer Baduy are people who have come out of inner Baduy.
There are several things that cause the release of inner Baduy residents to the Outer Baduy:
- They have broken the custom traditional inner Baduy society.
- Wanting to get out of the inner Baduy
- Married to a member of Outer Baduy
The characteristics of the Outer Baduy's community :
- They already know and use technology, such as electronic equipment, although its use remains a prohibition for any Baduy citizens, including citizens of Outer Baduy.
- The process of building houses for Foreign Baduy been using assistive devices, such as saws, hammers, nails, etc., which previously prohibited by the Baduy custom.
- Using custom clothing with black or dark blue (for men), which indicates that they are not holy. Sometimes using modern clothing such as T-shirts and jeans.
- Using modern household appliances, such as mattresses, pillows, plates & cups glass & plastic.
Inner Baduy are part of a whole people Baduy. Unlike the Outer Baduy, inner Baduy residents still adhere to the customs of their ancestors.
The language they use is Sundanese. To communicate with people outside their current use Indonesian language, although they do not get that knowledge from the school. In the Baduy tribes knew no written culture, so that the customs, belief / religion, and the story of ancestors stored only in oral speech only.
Baduy tribes also do not know the school, formal education as opposed to their custom. They rejected a government proposal to build school facilities in their villages.even this day. although since the Suharto's era, the government has tried to force them to change their way of life and build modern school facilities in their region, Baduy tribe still refuses the government's efforts. As a result, the majority of Baduy tribe can not read or write drawing.
Physical appearance and their language is similar to the Sundanese people in general.The only difference is their beliefs and way of life. Baduy tribes shut themselves from the influence of the outside world and strictly maintain their traditional way of life, while the Sundanese people are more open to foreign influences and the majority embraced Islam.
Lojor heunteu beunang dipotong, pèndèk heunteu beunang disambung.
(The length can not / should not be cut short, short can not / should not be spliced)
In agriculture should not be alter the contour of the land for fields, so that their way own an unirrigated field very simple, do not cultivate the land with a plow, do not make the terraces, planted with only a sharpened piece of bamboo. In house construction ground surface contours also left as is, so the poles Baduy homes are often not equal in length. Words and their actions were honest, plain, no-nonsense, even in the trade they do not haggle.
Baduy know of two systems of government, namely national system, which follows the rule of Indonesia, and custom systems that follow the customs of the community trust. Both systems are combined such a way that no collisions occur. Nationally, the Baduy population was led by the village head called Jaro's government, which is under the sub-district, while customarily subject to the highest Baduy traditional leaders, namely "Pu'un".
The highest traditional leader in Baduy society is "Pu'un" live in the three villages. The position lasts for generations, but not automatically from father to son, but can also be other relatives. Duration Pu'un position is not specified, only based on one's ability to hold that office.
Executing everyday customs administration kapu'unan (kepu'unan) implemented by Jaro, which is divided into four positions, namely tangtu Jaro, Jaro dangka, Jaro dependents, and Jaro pamarentah. Jaro tangtu responsible for the implementation of customary law on citizens tangtu and various other matters. the job of Jaro dangka to maintain, administer, and maintain a deposit ancestral lands inside and outside Kanekes. Jaro dangka totaling 9 people, which when added to the third person called Jaro Jaro tangtu twelve. Leaders of Jaro is called sebagaijaro twelve dependents. The Jaro's government customarily served as a liaison between indigenous Baduy with the national government, which assisted in his duties by pangiwa, strip, and kokolot overtime or village elders (Makmur, 2001).
As has happened for hundreds of years, the main livelihood community's Baduy is farming. In addition they also get additional income from selling fruit they get in the forest such as durian and kemaji acid, as well as forest honey.
Trade in the past conducted is barter, it is now common use of rupiah currency. Baduy people selling fruit, honey, and sugar kawung / aren through the middlemen. They also buy the necessities of life in the market. The market located in outside the territory Baduy, like Kroya market, Cibengkung, and Ciboleger.
if work in the fields is not too much, people Baduy also happy to travel to major cities around the region on condition that they must walk. Generally they go in small groups consisting of 3 to 5 people, a visit to the house of acquaintances who had come to the Baduy while selling honey and handicrafts. During the visit they usually get extra money to make ends meet.
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