Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Indonesia in the international robotics

Jakarta, 13 April 2011
Indonesia back Student achievement in international robot contest. The winners are entitled to a full scholarship from the Ministry of National Education.

National Education Minister M Nuh sure, this achievement could make Indonesia as an icon intelligent robot maker in the world. In addition to a full scholarship until graduation, Noah opened the opportunity for the winners to continue their education to a higher level. "The winner in exchange for support and encouragement, we give scholarships S2," promised Noah.

Competition "Trinity College Fire-Fighting Robot Contest" held at the Hartford United States 9 to 10 April 2011. The contest is followed by seven countries, namely Indonesia, America, China, Portugal, Israel, Canada and Mexico. Participants dai Indonesia, netted from regional and national competitions. The team from the Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB) and University of Gadjah Mada (UGM) to make robots that can later be developed for various purposes, one robot fire (Fire Fighting Home Robot Contest).

ITB team represented Ashlih Dameitry, Syawaludin Rachmatullah, Samratul Fuady and Dody Suhendra. They include two-legged robot named Yaqut (heavenly nymph) and ZARQUN (precious stones). They managed to outperform competitor from Portugal and won in the category I and II Walking Division.

Meanwhile, the team was represented by Farid Inawan UGM, Noer Aziz Ismail, Rev. Luis Wijayanto and Rizki Ramelan. They include two wheeled robot named KOPLAX and IRON FIRE. They also make rival China to its knees and won the category I and II in the Senior Division.

In addition to the robot team sent by the Directorate General of Higher Education, University Computer Indonesia (UNIKOM) Bandung is also sending three robots in all three categories robowaiter and get champion. In this category of robot servants, who competed is the ability to help people with disabilities, bringing a plate of food without falling and without bumping into people who assisted.


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