Tuesday 13 December 2011

Fat-Burning Foods

The most effective way to speed up metabolism, the process when the body burns calories, is to lose weight or build more muscle. However, you can also do this by routinely mengasup following foods:

Cereal intact and oat
Complex carbohydrates and fiber increases your metabolism by keeping insulin levels low after you eat. This can be useful for the production of insulin will send a signal to the body to store fat. And when the body storing fat reserves, so a slower metabolism so you burn fewer calories.

Calcium Milk
Although containing fat, but sebenarnyaKalsium in milk will trigger your metabolism. The research team from the University of Tennessee found that dieters who consumed 1,200 mg of calcium every day, lost weight more than those who consume less calcium source.

Green tea and coffee
Green tea and coffee contain caffeine which can accelerate the heart rate (heart rate). The faster our heart beats, the more calories you burn. In addition, green tea also contains a chemical compound called EGCG that works like caffeine that affects the nervous system so it works faster in burning calories.

In a study the researchers found the combination of caffeine and 90mg of EGCG every day to help speed up calorie burning, either at rest or move the body. Another study found that soldiers who consumed caffeine 12 hours before physical activity to get two double benefits, ie, not easily tired and inhale more oxygen. The more oxygen is used, the more calories you burn.

Meat protein
When digesting the protein of meat, the body requires more energy to digest than carbohydrates or fats. "Therefore, the more protein diasup, the harder the body to digest so that calories are burned in this process even more," says Doug Kalman, director of nutrition of Miami Research Associates.

Salmon and tuna
Several studies have shown, the hormone leptin directly influences metabolism and determines the calories should be burned and stored. Researchers from the University of Wisconsin found that mice had lower leptin levels have faster metabolism and burn more calories more than the high-hormone leptin. How to reduce levels of leptin? Eat fish.

4 Tips To Avoid The Risk Of Miscarriage

One of the most feared pregnancy is miscarried. Miscarriage occurs in first pregnancies trimseter. Signs ranging from bleeding in the vagina, severe abdominal cramping or bleeding at the bottom of the light. Percentage of miscarriage for a woman between 15-50 percent of pregnancies that occur.

Do not worry. There are many ways that can be done to avoid the nightmare was repeated. Here are the steps that can be done to minimize the risk of miscarriage, quoted from Yahoo Shine page.

1. Know the condition of the body
If you are planning to become pregnant, the first step you should do is to conduct the examination of risk factors such as problems associated with diabetes, high blood pressure, polycstic ovarian syndrome, fibroids, or thyroid disorders.

Check your health history, thorough too drugs, herbs, and supplements you'll ever consume. You also have to be careful with medications that can be easily obtained without a prescription, such as ibuprofen or herbs such as ginkgo.

Do the same discussion with the family to know the history of miscarriage in a large family. Consult your doctor to find a solution to your problem.

2. Avoid stress
Stress is not a good thing if you are planning a pregnancy or in pregnant condition. British researchers found, feeling happy, relaxed, or controlled to reduce the risk of miscarriage by 60 percent.

To feel happiness at the time of pregnancy, do moderate exercise such as pregnancy exercise, dinner with friends or the people closest to, or watch your favorite TV shows.

What if reducing stress by sex? According to Jonathan Scher, MD, assistant clinical professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York, you must pass through an intimate relationship with your husband in the first trimester, because of the hormone in semen may stimulate contractions. Once the embryo is strong enough and fully embedded in the uterus, you and your partner can enjoy sex.

3. Chromosome Test
After experiencing a miscarriage, do an analysis of the chromosome on fetal tissue. This is very useful to obtain information related to the content problem you experienced. This test can reveal if there are problems chromosome problems that can not be avoided, cause 50 percent of miscarriages.

If the test result is abnormal (the network has an abnormal chromosome number), then it is good news for you because there are no significant problems on your body. This is a random event, the risk of miscarriage would be less and less. The time you try again.

However, if the test chromosome in the fetus showed normal results, then further tests should be held. But unfortunately, this important test is still very rarely done because of the guidelines in the medical world would not recommend it unless you have a history of recurring miscarriages.

4. Perform retest
If you are a normal fetal chromosomes, and this is a miscarriage you are second or third, there is a chance for you to fix it in the advanced testing.

The tests include the testing of genes that may be associated with blood clotting, weak cervix, hormonal imbalance, or even immune problems such as lupus.

If you have blood clotting problems, anticlotting drugs can reduce the risk of miscarriage by 75 percent. However, if your cervix is ​​weak, then you need stitches in the first trimester so as to prevent cervical opening early and having premature labor.

Monday 12 December 2011

Andik, Potential Players Football Manager 2012

JAKARTA - skill players U-23 national team Andik Vermansyah was also making a name players from Persebaya Surabaya was included in the list of young players with potential versions of Football Manager 2012.

The new Football Manager 2012 was released October 21, 2011 yesterday, is a simulation game that invites players to become coaches top European clubs. Andik Vermansyah own name on the list of potential Wonderkids 150 more players.

Legal Quoted from various sources, on Monday (12.11.2011), the player who had troublesome club LA Galaxy back line when competing in SUGBK, entered the ranks of a potential attacker to become a star. Andik join with other young players, like Mario Ballotelli from Manchester City and Bojan Kirck from AS Roma.

The list was put young players from different clubs of the world, under the age of 20 years in June 2011 yesterday.

Andik was bustling about the reported interest from several European clubs like Benfica, even recently, players born in the middle Jember demand by Seria A club Novara.

Launched by the site, Novara Andik hoping to get services at a price not too high from the club today. Legitimate services if Novara want to recruit Andik examine productivity goals that reach seven goals in 17 games with Persebaya.

Islands For Sale

WANT to have a private island? A tiny coral island in the archipelago of Florida, is now priced at $ 12 Billion.

This island stands on the coral reefs and is an island that has a luxury property in the form of an area of ​​762 square meter villa with beautiful scenery, a helipad, and a small harbor.

As reported by Dailymail, Sunday (9/12/2011), the home has three bedrooms and two bathrooms, so it can accommodate nine residents. The island is only three minutes away by motorboat from the town of Florida, USA.

From this island you can do snorkeling activities or divinig, because coral reefs are very beautiful. You also can feel the luxury of living by fishing boats on display.

Marvin Arrieta, the island is the sales agent explained that the house on the island was built in 1980 and is usually rented out at USD 5000 per week. "The island was formerly owned by Robert and Elena Williford since 1995, but now they've rarely spent time on this island that wants to sell it," said Marvin.

"The island was recently announced its sales for 10 days, but already many are interested in doing deals," he said.

Thursday 8 December 2011

War Of Words Between NATO and Russia

"It's better to invest the money was used for the prosperity of the Russian people, to create jobs and modernize the society"

MOSCOW, NATO and Russia, Wednesday (12/07/2011), exchanged harsh statements about programs related to tension-NATO European missile shield.

Russia claimed to have been forced into an arms race by the West, while NATO said Russia is only a waste of money by holding a missile system to counter the NATO defense system.

Commander of Russian Armed Forces, General Nikolai Makarov, said Russia was not going to engage another arms race with Western countries, as happened in the Cold War era. However, Makarov said, the West has forced Russia to do that.

"Russia does not need a new arms race, but we have been forced into the race. Why Russia cut off from Europe? Who actually needs this? We are ready to work together and build a joint missile defense system," said Makarov, in the presence of representatives of military attaches foreign countries in Moscow on Wednesday.

Makarov question, why NATO rejected Moscow's proposal to work together to build anti-missile defense system together.

NATO rejected the Russian proposal, which requires both parties to share some sensitive data and give Moscow the right to vote, to participate in determining when the system will respond to certain attacks.

"Why no one wants to meet us in the middle? That means, the system was built to protect the interests of a person," Makarov said.

NATO's rejection of Russia's proposal sparked outrage Mokswa. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev last month announced that Russia would deploy medium-range cruise missile systems Iskander in Kaliningrad, the Russian territory which lies between Poland and Lithuania, both members of the European Union. Moscow also enable tracking radar missile attack on Kaliningrad.

Sheer waste of money

Responding to Russia's angry reaction was Secretary General of NATO, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, said Russia's move to build a missile defense system to deal with NATO was futile and a waste of money alone.

"The money is very valuable to be wasted, if the Russians began to invest heavily to put up a defense system against enemy imitation that was not there. It's better to invest the money was used for the prosperity of the Russian people, by creating jobs and modernize community, "said Rasmussen, ahead of a meeting of foreign ministers of NATO members in Brussels, Belgium on Wednesday.

NATO has repeatedly emphasized that the missile shield system to be held in Europe is not directed against Russia, but rather aims to protect the members of NATO in Europe from possible ballistic missile attack from Iran. However, Russia does not believe in it, and said that the missile defense system directed against Russia's missile arsenal. (AFP / DHF)

Mystery Latest BlackBerry OS

SINGAPORE - The news about kesimpang-siuran operating system (OS) newest BlackBerry finally revealed clearly in the arena of DevCon Asia 2011. This is the future of the BlackBerry OS and prepared to face competition with other platforms.

Research in Motion (RIM) has finally revealed plainly about the latest OS BlackBerry DevCon Asia during the opening ceremony of 2011. Actual information about the BlackBerry 10 was started in the arena of DevCon informed the United States (U.S.) at 18 to 20 October 2011.

According to George Staikos, RIM's VP of Web Technologies in fact this new platform was released in the U.S. DevCon event held in San Francisco.

According Staikos, the BlackBerry OS platform 10 has three main pillars, on the other Atara operating system, application of new technologies and use of applications that can be cross-platform. This time the latest OS is open source, making it easier for users when downloading applications they need.

"10 is the BlackBerry OS that can be used not only for smartphone devices, but also can be used for tablets BlackBerry (Playbook). In addition, we also will develop technologies that will cloud service can give the user comfort and safety in using their personal data in the device BlackBerry, "said Staikos, in Covenvention Suntec Centre, Singapore, Wednesday (07/12/2011).

Not only that, the use of HTML 5 on RIM's latest OS this time will also be upgraded, so it will be faster when browsing and will bring a different experience for our customers. The latest generation of BlackBerry OS, combined with application developers, will form a new force for the BlackBerry.

Surely this new power is intended to compete with platforms that are currently popular, namely Android and IOS. Even some Android applications can now also runs on BlackBerry OS (specifically Playbook).

Tuesday 6 December 2011

5 Favorite Applications on Android

CALIFORNIA - The majority of smartphone users accessing social networks from their handset, even according to Ofcom 57 per cent owner of smatphone visit social networks like Facebook.

There are many social networking experience supporting applications are available for Android devices. Here are five applications that are considered favorites, as reported by PC Advisor, Thursday (12/01/2011).

1. Seesmic: If you are a user of Facebook and Twitter, of course, will require a long time to open a different application. But with the Seesmic application, you can monitor Facebook and Twitter accounts of the same application.

In addition this application also supports Google Buzz and Chatter Salesforce, if you also use it.

2. Google +: This application lets you stay up to date with social networking, Google +. Even Hangouts Mobile features, also allows you to do video chat with your friends 9.

3. Tagged Photo Sync for Facebook: This application makes it easy to download your photos that have been tagged on Facebook to your cell phone.

4. Bump: With this application, you can share photos, applications, music, messaging, location, music, calendar events and even a Facebook friend or follower on Twitter simply by 'bumping' your handset simultaneously.

5. GPS Friender Friend: Of course not all chat online about your favorite applications. GPS application allows you Friender Friend meilhat friends and family location on a map using GPS on the handset.

Sunday 4 December 2011

Kim Nude & Living With Pigs 104 Hours

MIAMI - Still remember the Miru Kim, photography model who always appear smooth with no clothes? Kim is currently on display in a gallery space in the United States (U.S.) naked and chatting with pigs.

Kim reportedly sleeping, eating next to the pigs within four days at home which is located in front of the gallery Art Basel Miami, the visitors can also see Kim, who was lying naked with a pig. Living in the dirt like that is said to be a difficult thing for women aged 30 years.

"The environment is very bad, but the pigs are smart animals and are also sensitive. Leather and their anatomy is also similar to humans. When I mingle with pigs, I feel there is a fairly close together," Kim said, as quoted by the Huffington Post, Saturday (12/03/2011).

According to Kim who is the daughter of a philosopher, he gained fame from the profession which has always been a nude model. Kim previously also had photographed was naked in factories, tunnels, and bridges.

Kim also said the work will help him face the fears, like fear of the dark, fear of malicious activity, and also the fear of all things dirty.

Despite various criticisms and criticism, but Kim's work is also getting a worldwide reputation as a provocative artist who is admired by art experts.

Kim started to take pictures without clothes since 2004, is now admitted that he had used to lead its activities, although at first she was very nervous about appearing nude in front of the camera.

Friday 2 December 2011

Tips Overcome Constraint Language In Vacationing

Vacation to the foreign tourist places is fun. However, sometimes a language barrier when traveling, especially if the country's international community can not speak English or language.
But do not worry, here are some ways to overcome language barriers while on vacation:

Mastered a few local words
You can not learn Chinese language fluently for a vacation to China is not it?
However, at least to facilitate, learn some important words in that language, for example, "Where?" "How do I get there?" and also do not forget to remember the words like "hello" "sorry" and "thank you" in the local language.

Use the best technology
Currently, many mobile phones or smartphones that provide language translator application. Use these applications as much as possible so it can be easier for you when on vacation.

Do a little research
Do a little research about the places you will visit. Not only is the resort, but also the culture and daily life of local residents. This makes it easy to mingle with the locals and minimize the language barrier in communicating.

Use body language
If the language barrier still blocks, using body language can be one solution. Do it clearly, but still polite to be easily understood by local residents.

When trying to speak a foreign language, or language of the body but also does not work, try just smiling. People who become the other person will understand slowly and appreciate your efforts.

Bali Including The World's Best Island

LONDON - Who does not know Bali? Beauty and exoticism of the island was famous among the tourists. In fact, the island is included in the list of 5 Best World Island Travel BBC version that was launched on Wednesday (30/11/2011).

"Surrounded by the warm water of the Indian Ocean, Bali is one of 17,500 islands in the archipelago of Indonesia," the BBC's description of Bali which is positioned at number two in five World Best Island.

"Among the other islands are full of color, and even after several decades of tourism development on other islands in Indonesia, Bali remained fertile and were awarded an unparalleled beauty," BBC Travel assessment.

In addition to the island of Bali, there are several other entries in the list of World's Best Island. The first position occupied by the island of Santorini, Greece. In the third place Cape Breton, Canada, then in the next sequence of Boracay Island, Philippines, and in the final sequence the Great Barrier Reef, Australia.

Gumuk Sand, Indonesia

INDONESIA is a country located on the equator so that the tropical climate with high rainfall. Quite surprising that Indonesia has a desert.

This unique phenomenon found near Parangtritis, Bantul, Yogyakarta. Residents around the area called "Gumuk Sand".

Sand dunes are a natural phenomenon formed by wind movement. The wind carrying sand from Mount Merapi volcanic material. This sand fly out to sea and then blend with water and then into fine sand. Process thousands of years to make sand-fine sand formed into dunes as can be seen today.

Sand dunes have other unique, one of the extreme temperature changes from daytime to nighttime. In the afternoon, Sand Gumuk be very hot tube while very cold at night, just like the temperature in the Sahara desert. This unique phenomenon like there's only one in Indonesia.

The community is thought Gumuk Sand is just ordinary natural phenomena. In fact, many experts in geology and geography that came to Gumuk Sand to examine this unusual phenomenon.

Sand dunes in addition to being a tourist, now also a center of research. In fact, Sand Gumuk plan will be incorporated into the UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The beauty and uniqueness of the phenomenon Gumuk Sand inspire many photographers to take pictures. Sand dunes and even once the site of filming a video clip and band artist Agnes Letto.

In addition, sometimes pilgrims in Yogyakarta make Gumuk Sand place to do Hajj rituals before going to Mecca, to practice adapting to air later in the Arabian desert.

Sand dunes have a length of 15.7 miles of river downstream towards Opak Parangtritis and two kilometers from the coastline. From Yogyakarta to Gumuk Sand takes approximately 45 minutes.

Not only take pictures, if you want to know more in the history of Sand Gumuk, you can also visit the Museum of Geospatial Gumuk Sand in the area. This place provides scientific information on geospatial and geographical conditions Gumuk Sand.

Violence in Syria Killed 4000 People

NEW YORK - The United Nations (UN) said that four thousand Syrians were killed during the violence occurred in the country. At the same time, the United States (U.S.) and European Union (EU), stressed the economic sanctions for Syria.

"Approximately four thousand people have been killed since the protests of anti-pemerintha hit since mid-March," said the Head of Mission of the UN Human Rights Navi Pillay, as quoted by the Associated Press on Friday (12/02/2011).

Pilay alarming, the number of victims could continue to grow given the information about the death toll is still kept coming. This condition is caused by the continued violence perpetrated by government forces against citizens who oppose the government.

While the European Union Foreign Ministers meeting with the Arab League. They decided to impose new economic sanctions against Syria, because of the violence still continues.

"This meeting shows, we party together with the Arab League Europe most cruel and repressive action against this," said German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle.

Earlier, Minister for EU warned Syria that the repressive action which cause loss of life, are at risk of causing Syria caught in the violence, sectarian conflict and militarization.

EU-10 for the sanctions to the regime of President Bashar al-Assad. This adds to previous sanctions sanctions prohibiting the export of Syrian oil and gas industry. In addition, loans to Syria is also prohibited because it feared could be used to buy weapons that ultimately aimed to kill the citizens of Syria.

Welcomed the U.S. alone from the EU sanctions against Syria. Besides, the government of President Barack Obama also appreciate the sanction given the organization's European region, to Iran. New sanctions that would prohibit individuals and 180 companies to trade with Iran.

A total of 27 EU countries also expressed, concern over Iran's nuclear program. Assertiveness Iran over its nuclear program is also what makes them increasingly isolated internationally.

Imposition of sanctions is also a result of British insistence on meeting the European Union on Thursday. Britain was angry enough to attack Iran with the incident the British embassy in Tehran City. British diplomats had pulled staff from Tehran, and Iranian diplomats expelled out of the UK.

Mr. Big Ready Rattles Indonesia

Who does not know the legendary band Mr. Big who popularized the song 'To Be With You'. This band from California will act in concert in Makassar on December 10, 2011. Located in the west parking Trans Studio Makassar, Jalan Metro Tanjung Bunga, Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia.

This concert is the closure of a number of global events before Arthur's Day which started in Dublin, Ireland on 22 September 2011 ago.

Mr. Big new release a new album titled 'What If', will indulge the audience's ear with sedereta collection of their songs are guaranteed to bring you back into the past.

Personnel bands that already work in the music industry more than two decades is composed of Eric Martin (vocals), Paul Gilbert (guitar), Billy Sheehan (bass), and Pat Torpey (drums). Although in 2002 the band had disbanded, in 2009 they reunited at the request of fans.

There was no special class for this concert. All spectators will be in the same position, namely the class festival with a ticket price of Rp 100,000.

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