Tuesday 6 March 2012

Can spider webs spun So Violin Strings

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, TOKYO - A Japanese researcher has made a scientific creations of silk and spider webs. Apparently, thousands of pieces of thick silk is spun up to serve as violin strings.

Japanese researchers Shigeyoshi Osaki of Nara Medical University revealed that the strings of spider silk has a distinctive softness and depth in color tone than ordinary strings. The strings of spider silk is also more resistant than steel strings.

Manufacture and testing of the strings is described in the scientific journal Physical Review Letters. Osaki specifically study the pull line off the net of spider silk, and measure its strength.

Osaki also has perfected a method of spinning silk to get more number of silk. Osaki menangkarkan even some types of spiders for this experiment. "Making the silk as a violin string instruments has been the subject of scientific research," he wrote that was launched in bbc.co.uk, Monday (5/3).

Osaki using 300 female spider Nephila species maculataand, this is a species of "golden weaver spider". These spiders are known for their intricate arrangement of nets. For each chord, 3000 Osaki spin up to 5,000 strands of silk. Each string is then spun back to the other three strings simultaneously.

Osaki and then measure the strength of these strings. A study using electron microscopy showed that these strings have a perfectly round shape. Osaki also demonstrated the strings of spider has a unique tone and very deep. "The strings have a distinctive tone and color to create a different music," he said.

Anticipation of Widespread Flooding, 8 Thousands Displaced Persons in Australia

Sydney More than eight thousand people in New South Wales, Australia, were forced to evacuate amid flood fears that continue to expand. Raised concerns that the levees that hold the Murrumbidgee River flood water will be broken.

"Levees can hold, but it may not," said Deputy Commissioner of the National Disaster Agency, Dieter Geske, the Seven Network and reported by AFP on Tuesday (03/06/2012).

A total of eight thousand people who fled the city comes from Wagga Wagga. In the Murrumbidgee River has reached a height of 10.9 meters, which is the highest level. According to Geske, the level was last achieved in 1844 ago.

"If the levees failed to hold flood water and then water gets into the CBD (central business districts) and other regions in Wagga Wagga, then the citizens should be in the center of the shelter, rather than in their home or in the business center," said Geske.

It is known that the city of Wagga Wagga often hit by severe floods since the 1840s. According to local authorities, residents in the city have been trained in dealing with flood evacuation orders at any time threatening.

"I know where my home - if it overflowed the embankment to the street, it takes a little time to evacuate - so I will flee," said a local resident, Melina Skidmore told ABC television.

Since the last three weeks, three states that exist in eastern Australia hit by floods. Apart from New South Wales, floods also hit rural areas in Queensland and Victoria.

This flood also took the lives. So far, two men were reported killed while trying to cross flooded with their cars. The floods also resulted in the destruction of cotton plantations and wheat, as well as floods swept away hundreds of livestock.

Predicted, flood in the town of Wagga Wagga will achieve the highest level on Tuesday (13/3) next week.

(NVC / nrl)

The Quake Shook The Central Region Of The Philippines

A month ago, the earthquake also hit the island of Negros, which killed 113 people.

An earthquake measuring 5.2 on the Richter scale shook the central Philippines on Tuesday (6/3) destroy the glass building, tear down a vacant building and spread panic.

Philippine Institute of Volcanology and reported the epicenter was near the city of Masbate, Masbate island in the central Visayas region.

There were no deaths caused by this earthquake, but eight people were reportedly suffered minor injuries due to exposure to debris.

"There was panic, people afraid to go out," said Mayor Socrates Tuason Masbate through the national radio broadcast.

"People were eating breakfast and getting ready for work or school when the earthquake happened," added the mayor.

Visible cracks in some buildings in the city of Masbate and the government asked the city's 90 000 residents to stay home.

One building collapsed
Mayor Tuason explained a three-storey building collapsed, but certainly no one is inside the building.

"For a long time the building was empty long before the earthquake struck," Tuason said.

Tuason added all the time no school building experts check the condition of the building and ensure that all buildings in the city was safe.

Office of Civil Defense in Manila recorded six aftershocks occurred within a few hours after the main quake.

Philippines lies in the path of the fire circle, a line in the Pacific region is often hit by earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

This earthquake occurred just a month after a 6.7 magnitude earthquake rocked the island of Negros which triggered landslides that killed 113 people.

Bunaken Laut Eksotis

Taman Laut Bunaken Berada di Kel.Bunaken Kecamatan Bunakensekitar 7 mil dari Pelabuhan Manadoyang dapat ditempuh selama 35 menit dari pusat kota dengan menggunakan kapal motor. Pada awalnya Bunaken adalah pulau karang (atol). Luas wilayahnya sekitar 887,5 hektare dengan kondisi morfologi sedikit bergelombang. Taman Nasional Bunaken merupakan salah satu Taman Laut terindah di dunia.

Sebagian besar wilayah pantainya terdiri dari hutan bakau dan pasir putih. Lautnya terdapat terumbu karang keras dan lembut, dinding karang yang terjal, dengan beraneka bentuk dan warna biota laut diantaranya terdapat ikan hiu, kura-kura, Mandarin Fish, kuda laut, ikan pari, dan yang terkenal adalah ikan purba Raja Laut (Coleacant) dan masih banyak lagi yang membentuk taman laut nan indah. Keindahan taman lautnya dapat dilihat pada lokasi-lokasi yang disebut dengan Lekuan 1, 2, dan 3, Fukui, Mandolin, Tanjung Paragi, Ron's Point, Sachiko Point, Pangalisang, Muka Kampung, dan BunakenTimur.

Merupakan tempat wisata Laut dan wisata bahari dengan obyek kunjungan wisata, yaitu laut dan pantai. Kegiatan wisata yang dapat dilakukan, berupa menikmati taman laut dengan cara sigtseeing (berkeliling) naik perahu berkaca (katamaran), snorkeling (berenang memakai alat pernapasan), diving (menyelam), dan photografi underwater (foto bawah laut); serta berjemur badan dan tamasya pantai. Fasilitas yang disediakan di taman laut Bunaken, yaitu perahu berkaca, diving center, cottage (penginapan) rumah makan, pendopo, dan kios cenderamata. Wisata Indonesia Surga Dunia.

5 Tourist Attractions in Java Mystical

The beauty of the attractions directly proportional to the mystical stories of horror in it. Mystical, mythical and keangkerannya, will make chilling your skin crawl. Here it is 5 mystical sights on Java!
There are several places on the island of Java who have horror stories and mythical-mystical that will make your forehead furrowed. You can see for yourself by visiting the places these hideous. Compiled detikTravel, Tuesday (06/03/2012), the following five mystical sights in Java:

1. South Coast region of Java Island
South Coast region are interesting to visit, such as Queen's Harbour Beach, Edge Tile, Parangtritis, and much more. However, did you know about the restrictions for not wearing green on the South Coast region? Yes, if you wear a green shirt, then you are said to be kidnapped by the Queen of South and his genie.
Queen of South and his genie residing in the South Coast of Java Island. Not surprisingly, fat ban will you find such rude to say no, keep clean, and not to the beach at night or dusk arrived in the South Coast region. There are also many people who claim to have met the Queen and the royal visit in the South in the southern ocean. In addition, the South Coast region of Java is often used to place an ascetic.

2. Lawang Sewu
Sewu mace has a magnificent and historic architecture. The building, known as a thousand doors also has a mystical story that will make your skin crawl chilling. Awesomeness Sewu Lawang is very well known, even one tv show 'Another World' had done 'tests guts' in this place.
At that time, someone who is testing the guts to see the appearance of female figure with long hair! Records of sightings is now accessible on youtube and you can immediately see it. Sewu mace has a long history, this place was also a massacre against the Dutch by the Japanese army. Underground space is very narrow and humid, it is said many indigenous people are imprisoned and left to die on the right.
According to some kuncen, which often appears the ghost is a white tiger and Miss Holland. Miss Holland, can be regarded as the ghost of the 'most powerful' in this place. If there are visitors who possessed Miss Holland, it takes more than one kuncen to remove it. If you dare, you can see for yourself!

3. Museum Fatahillah
You definitely know this one place, situated in the old city area makes this place easy to visit. Fatahillah Museum has many relics of the antique Dutch period, such as some furniture, tables, chairs and much more. However, no less mythical stories are very famous and terrifying at the Museum Fatahillah.
One of them is the famous dungeon as a place to punish the natives. That said, they were held captive by the sadistic and the prisoners who die in the dungeon. Not surprisingly, for some people who come to the Museum Fatahillah at night, will hear the moans and screams.
Not only that, in one room there is a sword used to execute prisoners. The sword is long and large, the blood is said the prisoners who have not washed the sword and go unpunished. The museum also has rooms add mystery and secrets and hidden mystical.

4. Lawu
Lawu located on the border between Central Java and East Java. The beauty of the rising sun, will be able to make anyone spellbound. However, you must obey the rules in climbing Mount Lawu. Many people who climb Mount Lawu to meditate and meditate. That said, Lawu can be regarded as the spiritual center on the island of Java.
The most famous myth Lawu is a vicious market. Satan market is near Hargo Dalem, one of the top of Mount Lawu. Satan market can not be seen by the eyes of ordinary people. If you hear a voice as offering something, such as 'buy what deck?', You are required to spend money and throw it. There are many myths in Mount Lawu that will challenge your adrenaline.

5. Alas Purwo
Alas Purwo has the natural beauty of the mountains, forests, caves, creatures, and tempting beaches. Alas Purwo has also been used as a National Park Alas Purwo, as a place of environmental conservation.
Alas Purwo is a place that is often used to add people to be imprisoned in the occult and even pesugihan! That is because, Alas Purwo is where the largest kingdom in Java jin. There, there are more than 30 caves that used to be imprisoned. In some caves, and the streets, do not be surprised if you find many offerings.
That said, there are many spirits and demons in this place. It is recommended for those who want to Purwo Alas, to keep my mouth to not say nasty, do not think negative, obeying the rules of the local residents, and do not destroy nature. According to the shaman or wise man, Alas Purwo is the center of the kingdom of spirits in Banyuwangi to Situbondo.

That's some mystical place on the island of Java. Do not be afraid, because mystical things are just an added value when you visit some place. As long as you do not disturb the 'gatekeepers' in those places, guaranteed you will not be disturbed.

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