5 Tourist Attractions in Java Mystical
The beauty of the attractions directly proportional to the mystical stories of horror in it. Mystical, mythical and keangkerannya, will make chilling your skin crawl. Here it is 5 mystical sights on Java!
Bunaken Laut Eksotis
Taman Laut Bunaken Berada di Kel.Bunaken Kecamatan Bunakensekitar 7 mil dari Pelabuhan Manadoyang dapat ditempuh selama 35 menit dari pusat kota dengan menggunakan kapal motor. Pada awalnya Bunaken adalah pulau karang (atol). Luas wilayahnya sekitar 887,5 hektare dengan kondisi morfologi sedikit bergelombang. Taman Nasional Bunaken merupakan salah satu Taman Laut terindah di dunia.

The Quake Shook The Central Region Of The Philippines
An earthquake measuring 5.2 on the Richter scale shook the central Philippines on Tuesday (6/3) destroy the glass building, tear down a vacant building and spread panic.

Anticipation of Widespread Flooding, 8 Thousands Displaced Persons in Australia
Sydney More than eight thousand people in New South Wales, Australia, were forced to evacuate amid flood fears that continue to expand. Raised concerns that the levees that hold the Murrumbidgee River flood water will be broken.

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Can spider webs spun So Violin Strings
Anticipation of Widespread Flooding, 8 Thousands Displaced Persons in Australia
The Quake Shook The Central Region Of The Philippines
An earthquake measuring 5.2 on the Richter scale shook the central Philippines on Tuesday (6/3) destroy the glass building, tear down a vacant building and spread panic.
Philippine Institute of Volcanology and reported the epicenter was near the city of Masbate, Masbate island in the central Visayas region.
There were no deaths caused by this earthquake, but eight people were reportedly suffered minor injuries due to exposure to debris.
"There was panic, people afraid to go out," said Mayor Socrates Tuason Masbate through the national radio broadcast.
"People were eating breakfast and getting ready for work or school when the earthquake happened," added the mayor.
Visible cracks in some buildings in the city of Masbate and the government asked the city's 90 000 residents to stay home.
One building collapsed
Mayor Tuason explained a three-storey building collapsed, but certainly no one is inside the building.
"For a long time the building was empty long before the earthquake struck," Tuason said.
Tuason added all the time no school building experts check the condition of the building and ensure that all buildings in the city was safe.
Office of Civil Defense in Manila recorded six aftershocks occurred within a few hours after the main quake.
Philippines lies in the path of the fire circle, a line in the Pacific region is often hit by earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.
This earthquake occurred just a month after a 6.7 magnitude earthquake rocked the island of Negros which triggered landslides that killed 113 people.
Bunaken Laut Eksotis
5 Tourist Attractions in Java Mystical
Thursday, 23 February 2012
Trend 2012: Facebook and Ultrabook
"Ultrabook will be a new color and Facebook users will continue to grow every year," Katan Managing Director of SAP Indonesia Singgih Wandojo when new media conference held in Jakarta, this afternoon.
Singgih said there are four technology trends 2012 is connectivity, large data, cloud computing (cloud) and social media.
This year many new devices such as tablet computers Ultrabook and will interconnect its users. In 2013, there were approximately 15 billion devices will connect to the internet.
While for large data (Big Data), every year there will be increase to 160 GB of data needs up to 2 TB.
Singgih also said, about 80 percent of the data linked to cloud computing and IT computer manufacturer that opened a cloud-based services such as Apple to open iCloud service.
"The growth of data volume will double every 18 months," he said.
Users of social media pages to break the 1 billion including Facebook and Twitter.
Facebooker not only include photos, post comments, and personal info, but also transact without making e-commerce website first.
Foreign governments use Facebook for public sector programs such as disseminating government policy.
"The population of the world's fourth largest Facebook is about 600 million, after China, India and the United States. The population of Indonesia at the bottom (the number of users) up," said Singgih.