As in the past on Thursday, November 17, hundreds of students had already invaded Bosscha from morning until noon sore.Teropong Zeiss was the center of attention because it is located in the majestic dome-shaped building.
From the outside, the dome of white Zeiss Binocular did look great standing manicured green grass and among the pine trees and pine shade.
Many children who are accompanied by a teacher or an event organizer (EO) as a guide intentionally photographed with a Zeiss binocular background.
One visitor who does not constantly snapping his cell phone camera is Puspita Vienna (27) and Leli Pasha (27). They are the EO that brought 54 children 6th grade from Bogor to visit the observatory was established in 1923.
As the EO is to facilitate the school to do recreation to the tourist attractions in Bandung, they placed in the top list Bosscha their tour packages.
Each year they serve elementary school visit to the Bosscha. Leli said, a visit to Bandung package provided it is Bosscha, Saung Angklung Udjo, and the Museum of Geology. According to him, each EO must incorporate into the package Bosscha visit. "As a heritage city of Bandung, Bosscha be excellent for schools," he said.
The reason for the school, Bosscha worth a visit for storing knowledge of astronomy and history in particular. Bosscha Observatory name has also been printed in books in school subjects. So worth Bosscha known and visited. Problem will be concerned with astronomy students or not, it's about the future.
Sense of wonder also appeared on the faces of elementary school children. When an astronomer guide them towards the Zeiss binocular, with the noise of children running toward the entrance to the dome in which there is a giant telescope 60 centimeters in diameter. In it they introduced the history of the legendary binoculars, history of the Bosscha, until the telescoped manner of celestial objects.
Along with visiting elementary school children, the Bosscha also the arrival of dozens of guests from one private high school in Bandung. Their arrival was no less noisy with elementary school children. Almost every student immortalize himself with Binoculars Zeiss dome building. Apparently, they pose a greater interest than the interest in astronomy.
Dominican Ica, one of his students in grade 10 high school group that claimed to really enjoy a visit to the Bosscha. Ica first visit, observation of the star. Previously he had only known through books Bosscha lesson, that Bosscha is the largest observatory in Southeast Asia and the only one in Indonesia.
Before visiting the direct Bosscha, the first impression that comes to mind Ica of the place is a museum. Maybe in school textbooks that stand out from Bosscha is Dutch heritage of ancient buildings.
After visiting Ica directly, it turns out Bosscha is where astronomical research objects such as stars and moon. It's just not interested in Ica admitted explore the science of astronomy. "I do not intend to be an astronomer, let alone an astronaut, like baseball," he said.
Researchers Bosscha Observatory Institute Teknologi Bandung (ITB) Evan I do not deny that Akbar Bosscha now is at once a place where research excursions. It happened since Bosscha taken Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) as a research institute of astronomy. Visits increased when the status of ITB be State Owned Legal Entity (BHMN) in 1999, which should automatically independently without relying on subsidies from the state.
Bosscha initially only on a mission to popularize astronomy society. So the time was the number of visitors is limited. Before 1999, the number of visits at most only 100 people per week, and even then not being charged.
Now, after ITB be increased due BHMN Bosscha missions are required to generate costs for the operational needs of himself. Bosscha was opened to traffic in general, not just for the sake of astronomy alone.
Visitors who wish to visit both for astronomy and just travel, subject to tariffs persekali Rp7.500 entry. Before the visit, visitors must make reservations used to determine the schedule of visits from Tuesday until Friday afternoon to visit. And in a month, Bosscha also offers three nights for night visits are restricted masksimal 200 people visitors. "So it is now popularized astronomy mission and needs," said Evan.
In effect, the number of visitors Bosscha booming. Annually to reach 60 thousand visitors or up to 600 visitors per day. Surge of visitors proves the high curiosity of the public to come directly to the location of star observation.
It was triggered by easily find information and images of space and celestial bodies on the internet. Disclosure of information makes people want to know the direct observation center. "Actually a lot of reservations, but many do we resist," he said.
With Rp7.500 tickets, visitors can enter the three facilities in Bosscha, which entered the House Zeiss telescope to see and do a demonstration of the telescope, a multimedia room to receive an explanation of astronomers as well as watch videos of astronomy, and if the sky is clear visitors could enter the building for Surya Binoculars watch solar activity.
Evan asserted, the number of visits to Bosscha not necessarily reflect a high learning astronomy. Because visitors to Bosscha divided into two groups.
First, there are comes purely because they want to know the astronomy, both because it involved travel or EO Bosscha enter into the package of their visit. Indeed, most visitors are Bosscha school children. But their interest in astronomy can be seen from their responses when receiving material about astronomy, many are indifferent, and many are enthusiastic. "So it was 50-50 between science and tourism," he explained.
When compared with the interest and knowledge of astronomy to the astronomy abroad, of course, the students in Indonesia is far behind. In other countries the science of astronomy has entered into the elementary curriculum individually packaged attractively.

Ownership of binoculars were already entrenched in almost every home. So is the number observatory far more than Indonesia. For example Japan has 40 observatories.
In Indonesia, once entered into the astronomy curriculum that is under the IPA geography subjects. "Now do not know it dikemanakan curriculum," said Evan.
The potential for Indonesian students in the field of astronomy is very large. Since 2005 Bosscha open the program training students to follow the international astronomy olympiad, and since then every year for Indonesian students can get a gold.
"Our kids are smart. Although the school baseball diajarin, only trained here for three months, overseas they can be gold, "he said.
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